
Framed Rose Print Serendipity!

To me, it is serendipity when things just fall into place or when I am at the right place, at the right time.

This is the case with my framed rose print.

I came across a beautiful old rose print that had damaged edges and the previous owner folded the sides to make it fit another frame. I have a thing for roses, especially vintage.


Just the cutest birdcage chandy!

I simply made the cutest birdcage chandelier! And I hope that someone loves it as much as me since it's for sale in my antique mall booth.


It's a Mod Podge Easter!

These are all lovelies that I made last year, by using good ole Mod Podge!


New Cool Rug!

What I didn't share with you when I revealed my newly painted master bedroom (see that HERE), was the area at the foot of the bed that has just enough room for a 3' x 5' rug.


One More Time...

I published this post last year about this time. Many comments were made in regard to my cross-stitch eggs, so I am rerunning this post and you can read all about it!

A Tribute to the Easter Egg

Years ago I was into cross-stitching but who wasn't? My eyes can no longer stand hours of those tiny x's. So this blog is a tribute to my cross-stitch eggs.


The Nest Is Best!

This is a quick little craft that took me no time.

It started with a vintage white ironstone Johnson Brothers gravy boat and attached oval saucer. NOTE: This saucer was attached by the manufacturer and can not be removed.

I really loved the lines and color of this piece and instead of selling it in my booth, I decided to make it into...

 a sweet nesting
 complete with eggs.


Classic French Kitchens

Hello! I’m Jessica, a writer for Arcadian Lighting, a website and blog with a wonderful selection of affordable lighting fixtures and interior design inspirations every day! I’m delighted to be guest posting for Terry today because I'm going to be sharing a collection of classic French kitchens. I hope you find them as inspiring as I do! Amusez-vous bien!
French Kitchen


New Kitchen Valance!

I really do like the valances that I made recently for my dining room bay window. You can see more on that HERE. This large bay window is located next to the bar between the kitchen and dining room or breakfast room as some people call it.  I decided that since I had enough leftover fabric, that I should make a matching valance for my kitchen window. This would allow me to have a different summer and winter look, since I could put the previous ones back up. (I will have to do some alterations with the previous bay window ones yet though).

Let's look back at the previous valances that I made years ago and still absolutely love...