
Easy Paint Stripping Lesson 101

I have several favorite shows, and one of them is Rehab Addict with Nicole Curtis...


You CAN Make a Pendant Light Out of Anything!

Here is my popular master bathroom!

It's a well thought out space that hubby and I enjoy using since we gutted it about six years ago.

I love the look of a chandelier over a claw foot tub and installed one over mine.

What I didn't bargain for was having to clean that chandelier every other week. Yes, I am a bit of a neat freak and I just hate the dust on this piece.

And I didn't find any volunteers to take on this task of cleaning, so out goes this little lovely! It's time to be practical.


Painted Patio Rug!

Now that it's done

I can say,

"It's really pretty but,

Oh my aching back!"

I painted this 'rug' directly on the concrete!


Fall Decor in Close-up ~ Part 2

Previous Fall Decor was Part 1, click HERE if you missed it...
                                    Now enjoy seeing the rest...