
A Cake Taker To Love!

I have had a problem my whole life...loving something that I make and having to get rid of it. Yes, I know that I could keep it, but then you wouldn't be able to walk though my home. I found this (unpainted) Sorry, no before picture, cake carrier at a garage sale for only $2. I knew that I could paint it so cute. And I even purposely painted it a color that would not fit in my decor so I wouldn't get weak and want to keep it. Well, here it is in all it's glory, but I sold it on eBay. I so loved how this piece turned out and not another one like it! Enjoy


  1. That turned out gorgeous! I really need to get my paintbrush out again. It has been a while since I have used it much.

  2. I linked over from Cottage Instincts. I love your blog. I am your latest follower. Please come follow me back at www.diybydesign.blogspot.com. Thanks.

  3. thanks so much for visiting knack and for loving miss aizel:)

    you have a beautiful blog here!


  4. Terry, you have a really cute blog! Another for my favorites list : )


  5. Oh, wow! It's adorable. And you are one strong woman~I think I'd have kept it even if it didn't match.

  6. You painted this? I am so blown away! Sooo very cute! Well, if I wasn't a follower before, I sure am now! :) Nope, just checked, not a follower so I'm your newest!

  7. Just like everyone else, love it, very striking, what is the color green a mint green? or lighter

  8. That is so beautiful. You did a great job.
    What kind of paint did u use and does it come off when washed?

  9. That is so beautiful! I wish I could paint like that. Just.... wow


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