
Hand painted Princess Stool

Princess stool that I hand painted for a cousin's baby shower gift. Now it's time to go and wrap this up.


  1. Hi Terry,
    Thank you so much for visiting "Home is Where the Heart is", it's a pleasure to meet you.
    You have such a beautiful blog and your home is as lovely as can be. I love to decorate too, you pay a lot of attention to detail and it shows. I Love your clean lines and how you display your collections. I have become a follower!
    Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

  2. Hi Terry, Welcome to the blogging world. What a beautiful home you have. Did you paint the pretty watermelon propane tank outside? You're quite the artist! Happy White Wednesday looks like you're off to a great start. I'm following, xoxo tami

  3. Thanks for your wonderful feedback. Yes, Tami, I did paint the watermelon propane tank and will blog about that sometime. Terry

  4. Hi Terry...thank you for visiting today and leaving such a nice comment! I got all caught up on your new blog. You are off to a great start!

  5. Welcome to blogging. What a great stool. I have one I'm redoing. You've inspired me. I love to decorate too, always doing something. Come visit! I'm going back to check you out.


  6. Absolutely beautiful:))
    Greetings from Europe, Biljana


It makes me smile to hear from you!