
Cat Door

First, I must tell you that my hubby is a huge cat lover. Yep, not to many out there that I know. I enjoy the cats as well but after cleaning up hair all the time, I can't say that I am a huge fan, but I do love the ones we have. We have one indoor cat named Bella that is a beautiful calico. She is all declawed and I've trained her to not get up on the furniture. She stays on the floor or window seat. We also have two outdoor cats that are a lot of company when I garden in the three other seasons that are not winter. After visiting friends that had a hole in their basement door (from previous owners pets), I asked hubby to cut a hole in our basement door so Bella could go down anytime to eat or ...
He was happy to do this project. I knew that I would have to repaint the door after he did his work, so I decided to paint two scared mice by the hole for fun.
Here is the door. Remember, you can click a couple of times on each picture to get it to enlarge. Just use your back button for returning to the blog.

It gets a lot of laughs when people finally recognize what it is. It is also amazing how much fun kids have with this door. They like to crawl through if they are small enough...or at least stick their heads through for attention. Terry

I am linking up to these parties:
Susan's Met Monday
Cielo's Show Off your Cottage Monday 
Carrie's Amaze me Monday 

Sassy's Tuesday Trash to Treasure
Kathleen's White Wednesday 
Gina's Transformation Thursday 


  1. That is so adorable! I love the expressions on their faces!

  2. Terry, your mice are so cute! I love your creativity and sense of humor :D

    Ricki Jill

  3. Your little mice are cute! Best wished for a Happy New Year!

  4. Awwwwww....your sweet Bella could be my darling Sophie's twin! I ADORE calicos. There's just something so special about them, isn't there, Terry? Your kitty door is just adorable! Nice job! Happy WW!

    xoxo laurie

  5. Bella is so pretty... love your little mice, what a cute ideal. Happy New Year!!!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  6. This is so adorable. You are one talented lady!

    Thank you for linking up to "Amaze Me Monday" blog party. I hope to see you next week!

  7. I have a Bella kitty too! Love the door! SO CUTE!!

    Lou Cinda

  8. Oh -- that is just the cutest thing. I'm out and about doing some blog hopping. Love your blog and your many talents!


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