
Evolution of The Kitchen

The above picture is The current state of my kitchen. We have lived in this home for eight years. I loved just about everything in this house except the kitchen. The builder's wife (they lived here the first 5 years of this home) painted the kitchen a muted plum color with tan Formica counter tops, white appliances and cheap thermofoil cabinet doors. She was not a cook and kitchens didn't matter much to her. Here is what it looked like right after we moved in (below).
So here we were (back in 2002), spending all of our money just to buy this house...what to do that didn't cost $$ ? So first I painted the back-splash to look like tile (below).

Okay, that helped blend the plum wall paint with the beige counter tops. Moving on...out with the shinny brass knobs, so I hand painted 33 unfinished wooden knobs in 33 different designs and put them on all the doors and drawers. (above and below).

Okay, so that cheered up the kitchen a bit more. On to a theme, how about grapes...remember this was in 2002. So I painted grape vines under the bar and on the walls. Plus I made new window treatments. (Below)

Okay, now I am beginning to laugh at this transformation. I have not looked at these pictures in a long time so doing this evolution for you has brought back these memories.  Moving on...After two years like this, hubby comes home and says, "Get rid of this plum color, it's depressing". In comes red wall color from Sherwin Williams called "Madder Root". It's a deep rich red color by Martha Stewart Signature Series that they had at the time. (below)
Notice the improvement? Brighter, happier? Yea! I even made new window treatments and a matching stool.
close up of curtains

I didn't use a pattern, just made it up as I went.

Found this stool at an antique mall. Painted the base white and made the top.
I added black and white check to the stool for interest.

 Then in 2005, "Country Decorating Ideas" magazine called and wanted to feature my home in their magazine. They sent out a couple of photographers that took pictures of my home for two days! Now that's a story I should tell in a later post. Here is one of the pictures they took in the magazine that FINALLY made it to print in 2007! (below)
Still the beige Formica counter tops. I had added the butcher block in the middle of the kitchen though. Then we decide to put in new counter tops. We selected a speckled black Quartz, and a black quartz sink all because I love black and white and we already had light colored marble floors. (below)

That was a huge improvement. My sister called after seeing the magazine article and said bluntly that some of the pictures were boring because I didn't have enough color near the floor, etc. So she shopped online and found rooster rugs for the dining room area (I'll show that in another post) and the kitchen under the butcher block that matched the wall color exactly. I had painted the bar stools to coordinate but you can see them on this post here. (rug below)

Moving on...we then purchased stainless steel appliances. The doors above the refrigerator would not open with the new frig. Enter my young and cute handy dandy handyman. He removed the doors and added cubbyholes for wine storage. (below)

Problem solved. Lastly, we have recently had new cabinet doors and drawers retro fitted with new white painted maple, new soft close hardware, and pull-out inserts inside  the cabinets. Basically all new cabinets except for the boxes. (below)
Old cabinet doors with new hardware and a peak in the dining area.

New cabinet doors and drawers.

Then yet another problem. Under the bar, the wood panels are recessed in the routering area. The new cabinet doors have molding on top. Enter again, young and cute handy dandy handyman. He added trim to cover the recessed routering and an antique corbel from eBay. I painted what he fixed. (below)

Handyman's solution.
I also painted the legs on the butcher block from white to black. (below)
I'm done...for now! Oh yea, if anyone wonders what that is hanging above the butcher block, this is an antique turret top...it's hanging upside down. We found it in Kansas on a trip last Oct. when visiting my son. We love to collect old architectural finds then find ways to display them. Terry

UPDATE: In January 2013, I totally revamped the look of this kitchen and dining area. To see more on this go HERE.

Linking up to: 
Visit thecsiproject.com
Dana's Strut Your Stuff Saturday 
May House Par-tay! @ Cheap Crafty Mama
Gina's Transformation Thursday 
Stephanie Lynn's Sunday Showcase Party 
Kim's B & A Best of 2010 Party 
Gina's Transformation Thursday 
Evolution Party 


  1. What a gorgeous kitchen! So inviting. Love the turret and butcher block table. The black legs really make a difference. I chose the same hardware for my cabinets last summer. LOL
    Have a great week!

  2. Wow! Your kitchen just keeps getting better and better. Love the backsplash you painted! Everything is beautiful.

  3. Wow! I can't believe you painted that backsplash. I thought it was tile! It looks so pretty! I love your kitchen. Red is my favorite color. What a transformation! Where did you find the turret over your butcher block? How unusual! :D

  4. Loved seeing the evolution over time. Wow, some of it is a total blast from the past.
    I just love the knobs that you painted, they are amazing!
    Stopping by from Make it 4 Monday.

  5. Terry, I love your kitchen!
    A red kitchen is so happy and welcoming!
    In our last house I painted the kitchen from yellow to red and loved it!
    This house I'd love to do the same red but hubby says he is tired of red. I will give him time to think about it before I jump in and do it red again! :-)
    Love the pops of black they really make the whole room!

    I would love to know how you just whipped that window treatment up! Yeah you made it sound that easy! :-)
    I love it and would loooooooove to do that above my sink!

    Hugs, Dolly

  6. Hi Terry! A couple of days ago, before you posted this about the evolution of your kitchen, I stumbled upon your blog somehow. As soon as I saw the photo of your kitchen on your sidebar, I nearly jumped out of my chair because I "know" you! I remember your kitchen from Rate My Space! (I was "susiehomemaker.") Your kitchen has always been one of my all-time favorites. In fact, your whole home is fabulous! I wish I had half of your painting/sewing/decorating talents. :)

    It's good to see you here in Blogland. Welcome!

  7. I LOVE your kitchen and remember it well from RMS ... one my faves! Your home is simply gorgeous. I look forward to following along. And, thank you SO much for your thoughtful comment about my Christmas dining room ... you're *more* than welcome to come see it in person anytime; however, you might be disappointed. The magic of photography. LOL. Happy Holidays, Becca

  8. Thanks for your sweet comment on my PB Inspired Numbers Canvas!
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your faux tile backsplash. If theres one room of my house that I'd love to update, it's my kitchen. I will have to think about painting a faux backsplash myself!

  9. Oh Terry, your kitchen is just gorgeous! How cool to have it in a magazine!! I just love the black/white together! I might have to steal the stool idea. I wanted wicker seat stools with no back but I can't afford new ones. Maybe I will just get a plain stool and cover it with my leftover rooster fabric and trim!!

  10. You're responsible for the drool on my keyboard! I loved seeing the progression. A beautiful pictoral journey.

    Merry CHRISTmas!

  11. Love everything about your kitchen, especially the window valance and black and white accessories. Great transformation!

  12. Love those knobs you painted! Your kitchen just looks fabulous! I love the rugs too. What a great kitchen and it must be so cheery to cook in now. So glad you got rid of the plum, although what you did with that backsplash looked good!

  13. You have come a long way! The painted tiles had me fooled! The rug under the butch block island is fabulous! Thank you for linking up to "Amaze Me Monday" blog party. I hope to see you next week!

  14. What a wonderful transformation. The handpainted doorknobs are delightful.
    I love the way you said "then Country Decorating Ideas magazine called and wanted to feature my kitchen".
    Quelle surprise!
    Really enjoyed your post.

  15. Wow! That's some metamorphosis, Terry! It's such a warm and welcoming kitchen now! And congrats on being in CL! How exciting for you! Happy WW!

    xoxo laurie

  16. Your kitchen looks amzing! I just love it! We have that exact island and I painted ours black too. It is sitting in the guest bedroom though because I am currently working on a larger one. Your rooster rug is soo making me want to pull it back out though.

  17. Terry, your kitchen is amazing. I can't believe you hand painted all those knobs in different patterns. You are so talented. Thanks for sharing this!

  18. Wow, you have added so much personality to this room! I love it.

  19. Your kitchen is great. We did a kitchen makeover a few years ago and it's one of the best things we've done to our home. I know you are really enjoying it.

  20. Thank you for sharing your kitchen journey, Terry. Your kitchen is beautiful!

  21. Wow, wow, and wow! How fun to watch your kitchen change. It looks fantastic. And I can't believe you painted all of those knobs.
    Happy New Year

  22. That's too funny. I've never posted about my kitchen because I am going on 7 yrs in this house and still, it is not the way I want. It gets better and better with each change but not there. Great job with yours!

  23. What a transformation! You've done a fabulous job!

  24. I love what you've done! those handles you painted are AMAZING!!!! Thank you so much for sharing all of the hard work you've done!

  25. What a great kitchen. My kitchen is set up similarly to yours except where you have your bar my cooktop is right in the middle. Kitchens can be so frustrating I'm still trying to decide what to do with mine and we've been here for 3 years! I'm thinking of doing the same and getting new doors and drawers and leaving the boxes. Right now they're black and in the early sun I can see my son's handprints all over them! ugh...

    Thanks for the evolution!

  26. Could I borrow your young and cute handydandyman? Seriously, loving your kitchen! I am your newest follower, I would love it if you would come check out my blog and follow back.

  27. Wow I think your kitchen is amazing. I loved seeing it evolve. Lots of great style here. I spied the tole trays on the wall too! They look perfect in here. I am putting you on my sidebar so I can keep tabs on your blog. I think you are very talented!

  28. Can I have your fridge ? I LOVE the kitchen! And your stool is fantastic. I wouldn't want to live in any other part of the house!

  29. Wow...I'm so impressed with your decorating, especially your kitchen. It turned out beautiful!
    I have a white kitchen island too and would also love to paint it black. Would you please tell me if you sanded yours prior to painting it? Thanks so much for sharing. I really enjoy visiting.

  30. Brandy~GreyLaneHomeMay 30, 2012 at 9:21 AM

    Your home is so beautiful. I love all the attention to detail. Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos.


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