
Handyman Special

Yesterday, my young and cute handy dandy handyman came over to do some finish work for me. We had purchased trim for the base of the upper cabinets to give them a real pretty finished look. He installed that and did some other honey-dos for me. Click on photos to enlarge pictures.
The trim used to dress the lower part of the upper cabinets.
Before...no trim.
After...with trim.
Young and Cute, Handy Dandy Handyman in action.

After...with trim.
Young and Cute Handy Dandy Handyman measuring and asking me why I was taking his picture!
Different trim he added to the built-in bench in the laundry room.
 It's so nice to have him here to do the stuff that hubby is capable of doing but doesn't have time for. Now I have some painting to do. Terry
Linking up to:
White Wednesday
Boring To Better 
Transformation Thursday
Frugal Friday
Show and Tell Friday


  1. I would love to see the rest of your laundry room, Terry. I am working on my tinsy winsy little one now.

  2. Lucky you!Karen@ Joy, Junk and Juxtaposition

  3. Wow, that looks great! It is amazing how much pretty 'trim' adds!

  4. Looks great, Terry! Amazing how much impact you can get from a little trim! xo

  5. Exactly what I am planning to do to mine as soon as the hubby decides to help me!!! Looks great!

  6. oh my I need to start on my honeydo list...
    Don't forget to link it in our linking party this week.



  7. That looks great!!


  8. Love the addition of the trim!! It just makes it look more 'finished'.

    I'm hoping to do that someday and add mouling to the tops of mine. But first I'd like to find a Young and Cute Handy Dandy Handyman because I'm not confident in my ability to make good miter cuts...well, that and because I'm single. LOL ;)

  9. Wonderful result. A great idea to show this process. Thank you for sharing! Portlandia Vintage

  10. I am going through your entire blog...it is fantastic...but I need a young and cute handy dandy handyman.....where do I go to find one of those??


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