
My Laundry Room Transformaion

Sadly, my laundry room is a pass through to the garage! Yes, I hate that fact. It is small and only comfortable for one person working in there. On a positive side, it has a wonderful built-in bench that opens for sorting clothes and a coat closet. My young and cute, handy dandy handyman came over and gave it a face lift.  Here is what we did...

Added Bead Board in the alcove of the built-in bench.

Added trim to the front of the bench...this is before I painted.
Before we move on further, I want you to see what it looked like when we moved in 8 years ago.
Just a white room with two wire shelves above the washer/dryer and of course that built-in bench. Okay, now remember, this was a while ago and I wanted to add color...plus I LOVE to garden, so I painted a mural on the alcove wall and the rest was painted in clouds...And we added cabinets on the walls where the wire shelves are here.
Over the top

A little of this goes a long way...if you know what I mean.

The berry basket turned on it's back was a great solution for empty hanger storage.
This worked for four years then I came around to wanting something more FRESH and clean looking. Not busy or too colorful in this tiny room. So my young and cute, handy dandy handyman put up this bead board right over that painted garden!
Then, I finished up the rest. I painted the bead board in my white. I painted the walls by mixing several different paints until I came up with a soft color that I could live with. I changed out the light fixture and added a rod between the cabinets to hang empty hangers. So NOW, here is the final reveal of my laundry room.

Just a little left over decor up high.

Old vintage hangers for decor

These are old silverware handles. I cut off the fork or spoon, I bent them after filing them to eliminate any sharp spots. Then I drilled a hole in the handle and mounted to a board for holding our keys.

I added this rod for hanging 'hang up clothes' until I take them upstairs.

Hooks were purchased at a garage sale to save tons of money...have you priced fancy hooks?

Very old fruit and roses picture that I found on an antiquing trip.

My dear friend Gail made this black apron. The other one is vintage.

It has a more open feeling now, it's simple and functional. I don't have much display space not only because it's a small room, but I don't want to clean the lint that seems to get on every surface in that room.
Note: Notice how in 8 years, I have been through three washer and dryers. The first set was getting old so we gave them to my son...he still has them. The second set was Maytag. Years ago in Tulsa, I had a Maytag set that I loved. So I wanted another set. Well let me tell you this Maytag set did nothing but put lint on every piece of clothing. I hated it, so we sold them quickly and bought my new Whirlpool Cabrio. I love these. They do a great job.

I am linking up to these parties:
Every Room In The House @ A Joyful Cottage
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday 
Good Life Wednesday 
Wow Us Wednesday 
White Wednesday 
Anything Goes Party
Transformation Thursday

Strut Your Stuff Thursday
Winter Blues Wednesday
Power Of Paint 
Frugal Friday
Show and Tell
Saturday Nite Special 
Sunday Showcase


  1. What a wonderful transformation I love it! Wow it was over the top before and nice calm and but yet energetic to do laundry in!

  2. Hi Terry!! I was up in your neck of the woods last week! I was shocked about how much snow you got there. My aunt has a 20' tall pile of snow off their driveway!! Anyway, I would have loved to get together with you but she was having a test done and I figured she wouldn't want me to leave. Maybe next time.

    Love your cute laundry room. Mine is the same only smaller!! Direct line to the garage with NO BENCH!! Turned out great! I have had 3 washers in 15 years because I wore them out! I now have a front loader Whirlpool and love it@

  3. Great work! I have a laundry room that leads into the garage too. This is one feature that the new house I am designing will NOT have! I have forever been tripping over piles of clothes on my way to the garage. I love the beadboard you added - a perfect touch!

  4. WOW!! I love it, you gave me some great ideas for my space, how ever my space is much smaller.

    Have a fabulous day.

  5. So clean looking- you did a great job. I am hoping to put up beadboard in my laundry room over Spring Break when I have the week off teaching...thanks for the inspiration

  6. Good Morning my friend,
    Terry your laundry room is just too fun now..almost makes me want to do a load..I alos have a Maytag from 1990 and it still works like a charm, hope it never quits on me ha ha!! I love the beadboard you had the cute handy dandy man do..Thanks girl for sharing more of your great home..your good your really good at decorating..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  7. You new laundry room looks so fresh and bright now. I think the silverware hooks are a great idea! Makes you want to go in there and do laundry now. Or not, lol!

  8. Love it! The beaded board paneling looks so clean and fresh and homey, and you add tons of function with all the hooks. Those silverware hooks are too cute!

  9. would love it if you shared this at my party, great job.


  10. Lovingthis fresh clean look you have created.....wish mine looked this tidy. It's a mess. It's the room we walk into and evcerything always seems to just get dumped in there. Speaking of which, I think you have motivated me to go clean it all up this morning.

    Enjoy yor week.


  11. Terry, it may be small, but it looks so good. I love beadboard and wish my husband would add that to my laundry room and powder room. Can't seem to get him to do that. Going to keep nagging I guess till he gives in. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. It looks just wonderful and I really love the hooks you made out of silverware - very creative.

    I'm a new follower from A Beach Cottage's linky party - so glad I found your lovely blog.

  13. I love your laundry room. Mine is on the to do list...you know the list that never ends LOL. Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment.

  14. haha...i noticed how you had new washers and dryers in your pics! love what you did with your laundry room! so cute how the text on the wall reads, "loads of fun" at the end. may i ask where you got the vinyl? great job...so fresh and pretty!

  15. Terry,
    Thanks for visiting and giving me a great idea for my chandelier. Love your new laundry room; you did an amazing job! It might be a pass through and it might be small but I prefer this and day over my laundry room which resides in the unfinished section of my basement. Also, love the silverware hooks. I might give that a try. I'm your newest follower. Hope you will stop by again.

  16. Beautiful make over. Makes the room so bright and cheerful. ~~Sherry~~

  17. What a pretty little room! Great job! And I love the sign on the wall :-} how appropriate. Stopping by from a beach cottage...

  18. Terry, Love the laundry room. It looks so neat yet has a vintage feel with the beadboard. Don't you just love beadboard.
    I too, always had maytag w & ds. The one time we had our gas dryer repaired, recently, the repairman gave us an earful. He said hang on to the ones we had as long as we could because they are not what they were years ago. I laughingly to Bob that maybe he just wanted some extra business. Guess not? Hugs, Ginger

  19. Terry, you made doing laundry a lot more pleasant now in that pretty laundry room!!! The beadboard was the finishing touch!! Martina

  20. Fabulous new laundry room! Send your cute handyman over to fix up my house.
    - Susan

  21. Love your new look...I cannot show you mine, it is the most neglected room in my house. One of these days I hope mine is as cute as yours :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Laurel

  22. So simple and sweet. I just LOVE the wall art Laundry Loads of FUN!

  23. Hello....it seems you and I have a lot in common....decorating is what I think about non stop....and crafting, can't leave that out. I just became a follower of you and I would love for you to come over and visit and follow me. I'll be happily watching all your decorating tricks, in hopes of learning some new ideas.
    Thanks for being a new friend....My best to you and your and have a wonderful week. xoso Sandy O

  24. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment.I love your laundry room, especially the silverware hooks. Very cute! I have lots of "wording" around our house too, and my husband asked me if I was going to put one in the toilet area that said "poop", very funny! My in-laws are in Libertyville, IL. Is that anywhere near you?

  25. I absolutely loving it! love it love it love it! you're so artistic, love the transformation, the garden on the wall and the words Laundry on the wall, everything is so beautiful!! love it!

  26. Thank you for coming by my blog and I love your laundry room! Mine leads out to the back patio, so if we entertain then the laundry room has to be clean too..bummer! The silverware hooks are beautiful! JenT

  27. Love the laundry room, Terry! You are so lucky you have so much room in there. Very nice! I am guilty of wall words. I have some in my kitchen and foyer, LOL!

    Ricki Jill

  28. Great laundry room makeover. I'm going to start mine tomorrow I think. Thanks so much for linking up.

  29. Hi there! I am your newest follower from last week's blog hop:) Lovely blog:) You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com
    I have some amazing handmade giveaways going on! Take a peek!
    Beautiful redo!!

  30. Terry! It's lovely! So envious. Mine is a walk thru closet with a subfloor and washer/dryer. lol This is so inspiring! Great job!


  31. Looks great! I'm in the process of redoing my laundry room, you are inspiring me... esp love the Laundry Room sign!

  32. Your new laundry room looks great and organized!
    Have a great day!
    ~ Julie

  33. I really love your laundry room! It looked pretty before with the mural but I like the beadboard and the simplicity of it now. P.S. I don't have wall words - yet :-)

  34. I love what you've done! Such a cute space. Isn't it a little bit easier doing laundry in a cute space? I sure think so. I too just finished my laundry room. Love the Aprons! I also have my aprons hanging in my laundry room. Visit my blog (www.nestnestingnested.blogspot.com) and check it out sometime.

  35. Looks really good; "loads" of fun! Love it!


  36. What a great transformation.. love the added beadboarding too! You must be very happy with it.. I did a laundry makeover post not long ago if you want to pop over.. take care, Maryann

  37. Really like this idea & your room looks great. How nice to have that bench in there.

  38. I like it very much!

  39. Greetings Terry,

    What a great transformation. You have inspired me to do a much-need makeover on my own laundry 'closet'. And, I just bought a Maytag set. Fingers crossed. Lol

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  40. I love beadboard an this is such a wonderful transformation! It is all so bright and cheery! Hopped over from Every room in the house.

  41. Thanks for sharing your laundry room at ERITH, Terry. It's so cottagey. . .I love it. It will be featured tomorrow. ~ Nancy


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