
Tassels, Tassels and More Tassels

Made using a Warren Kimble Cat Statue.
These are all tassels that I have made over time. I really enjoy making them too. The sweet ones here I made using cat statues...

        I found an old header at at garage sale for $5. I painted it white and distressed it. I then attached old black door knobs and hung it in my stairwell. I have all kinds of tassels hanging from it. You really have to click on the pictures to see more of the details.
This tassel was a piece of wood that I painted first.

This was a curtain rod finial and a wooden napkin ring that I painted.

At one time, Hobby Lobby sold wood blanks for tassel making. I painted this one.

Found this piece of wood at a garage sale for 25¢. I painted it and made this tassel.
Here is a snowman tassel I made...Sorry it's blurry, but it's cold here!
I found many vintage jello molds at garage sales. Most I have painted for a Christmas tree that you can see here. However I did take one and made this tassel out of it.

I found this sewing machine ornament at Hobby Lobby one Christmas. So I made a tassel out of it for my sewing room.
This is made from a painted wood candle cup. He's a tiny guy.

This one is made with a polka dot drawer knob.

This is another tassel wood blank that I painted.
I just found another picture of one I made for a friend...

I find that a tassel can be made out of just about anything. The newer ones are made using ribbon. I think they are cute and add ornamentation to a room, a piece of furniture or just bring joy to the eye. Terry

Linking up to these parties:
Wow Us Wednesday
Good Life Wednesday 
Tip Me Tuesday 
Masterpiece Monday
Transformation Thursday
Frugal Friday
Show and Tell Friday
Saturday Nite Special
SassySite Friday Sunday Showcase


  1. Great tassels! I love that you've found so many objects to paint and incorporate. The detail is awesome :)

    Tks for stopping by and leaving such nice comments.

  2. I really like your tassels, I just recently made my first one for Valentines Day that I posted about on my blog. I made one for a friend that is having a baby but I haven't added it yet. I love making them, they are so much fun. You have some really nice ones, great job!


  3. This is a really awesome post! I would like to invite you to link it up to my link party, Masterpiece Monday, at my blog, Boogieboard Cottage. The link will be up all week. I hope you can join in the fun! Mary :O)

  4. Wow - I especially love the black and white tassells. The beach condo where we stayed recently even had rope with tassells on each end looped around the door knobs - nice touch. Linda

  5. Your tassels are great! I love them all, but especially the cats! I am a cat fanatic! Great job!!!

  6. What a fun way to dress up furniture. Your tassels are some of the prettiest I have seen.

  7. Wow! I am really inspired by all of your tassels! It appears that you can make a tassel out of just about anything! I was looking for some crafting inspiration today and I think I found it here! Thank you for sharing your beautiful work! And thank you for your visit and sweet comments on my blog! Now, I am off to look for that giveaway you mentioned!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,
    Amanda - One Girl in Pink

  8. Love your tassels! Your ideas are great. :)

  9. Beautiful! I love tassels and these are truly inspiring!

  10. Terry I LOVE all of these tassels... amazing!

  11. Ok so I just posted on your chicken post and then found this, so I answered my own question! I would love a tutorial on how to make sure beautiful tassels. I have tried a Martha Stewart way and was not successful! Your tassels are gorgeous!

  12. You are sooo good at making those! All of them really look fabulous! Lovin' the sewing machine!

  13. Wow they are all soo detailed! They make mine look wimpy! lol Soo pretty!
    Thanks for the sweet comment on mine :)

  14. These beauties give a whole new meaning to the concept of a tassel. They're great! I second the request for a tutorial. I've never had much luck with tassel-making but would love to try one of these.

  15. Thank you so much for the sweet comment! I'm a huge tassel lover and these are perfect! I especially like the sewing machine, adorable! I'm now a follower and can't wait to follow your weekly posts! Have a wonderful weekend, Jodie


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