
Update on Watermelon Propane Tank

I was just informed by Birds and Bloom magazine that my Watermelon Propane Tank would be featured in their June/July 2011 issue! Whoot Whoot!

ALSO, my propane tank made it into the finals over at Saturday Mornings blog. Please take the time to go over there and vote for me. Just click on this button below and vote....pretty please with sugar on top!

Linking up with these parties:
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps On The Porch
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn


  1. Congrats! That's so cool.

    May I ask a question about your tank? I was curious as to its size. You will probably find this funny or maybe even a bit paranoid on my part, but when I saw the original post on your tank I started to think a lot about my own. We have a 100 gal. (used only for the gas logs in our fireplace) and it is located right outside my little boy's bedroom. That same night was quite stormy in our neck of the woods and, as our house has been hit by lightning once in the past...Well, I'm sure you know where my late-night thoughts headed. So, again, I was just curious as to the size of your tank and for what it is primarily used. Thanks so much! I normally don't write such lengthy comments or sound so insane. LOL

    Again, congrats on your upcoming feature!

  2. Congratulations! It is just adorable! Glad you were recognized.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and answering my question about your tank. I feel a little more relieved now :)

  4. Good for you...this is certainly worthy!!

  5. Congrats...obviously they know a good thing when they see it!!

  6. Congratulations on the "feature" cause. The propane tank is adorable.

  7. HOW STINKIN' CUTE IS THAT?!? Now I am wanting a propane tank. LOL! Congrats on being in the magazine.

  8. OMGosh! Hilarious and very cute all at the same time! Congrats!!

  9. So smart and unique. LOVE IT!!!!

  10. We had one at a farm we lived on -- but that is so cute!!! And so clever!

  11. I actually saw this picture on Facebook, people posting it there. How awesome! It just makes me smile. :-)


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