
Fun Chairs

The PLAN...get 4 cheap garage sale chairs and paint each one different
for my daughter's apartment.
First chair...$3 (from my Diamonds In The Rough! Post HERE)

I cut a board and upholstered a seat cushion and added cording.
Second chair...Free at a garage sale

Now, I need to find two more and one will be painted green and the other yellow.
NOTE: You should be able to click on most of the pictures to enlarge to see further details.
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  1. Love them Terry, can't wait to see the other two!! Martina

  2. Love them both, but must say the blue one is my fave!!(However free is always great!!) Are these going around a table or are they just for various places in her apartment?? such a sweet mom!

  3. They are both great, Terry! I love that fabric you used on the white one! I have great faith that you will find two more at a fantastic price. Looking forward to seeing those!

  4. The cording on the blue chair is just super awesome. Might have to copy that sometime soon.:)

  5. I love your chairs! You've given me some ideas!
    You did a really good job on them. Can't wait to see the other two!

  6. The chairs are beautiful! What a great idea to do them all differently. You've done a great job!

  7. I love them! Both so different and both so fun!!

  8. What cute cute chairs. Your daughter is so lucky to have artistic you to do these for her.

  9. Wow! Aren't you good, Terry. They both turned out beautifully....Christine

  10. You did such a great job!! They are beautiful and I'm sure she will love them and get lots of use from them.

  11. I love your chair renos! Where did you find the fabric on the aqua chair? It's so funky and modern! Yay!
    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  12. Hola Terry, love what you did on these chairs!!! and also the idea of each one in different color!!!
    hugs from Chile

  13. Terry, these came out fantastic! Your daughter is going to love them :)

  14. They are both so pretty, I love the blue paint color, but the white dressing goes so well with the upholstery you used. I don't think I can pick a fav. They are both lovely.

  15. These are stunning!! I just adore that blue one and the fabric you chose! I have to admit, I would have passed that seatless baby right on by -- good eye and great job on both!

  16. i love that turquoise chair!!! it's so fun!

  17. Cute chairs! I know your daughter will love them. Can't wait to see what you do with the others.

  18. hi just dropping in from abeachcottage linky party. i love what you did with the chairs!
    cheryl x

  19. Both of the chairs are adorable - love 'em!!

    Happy Good Life Wednesday from your newest follower. Hope you can come say hello sometime: www.SallyLeeByTheSea.com

  20. Love the chairs. I am nuts about the one you got for free. It turned out super.

  21. me likey! how did you get the cording to stay on? hot glue? i would love to do that to the chairs that i'm recovering today and tomorrow. so any info will help. thanks!

  22. Well done on the chairs. They turned out great. Love the colours and the fabrics. Good luck in finding out two more chairs to add to your collection. Happy Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays!

  23. Hi Terry! You wowed me with those chairs. Can't wait to see the other 2. Ya coulda knocked me over when I saw the 23nd chair...I have 5 others and the table to match. My Aunt gave them to me a ferw years back..lol..I'm still waiting to redo it all;)

  24. Terry, you're such a genius and creative lady! Thanks for sharing another masterpiece with us :)

  25. Cute Chairs! I love the fabric you used!


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