
Chalkboard Paint Recipe, Any Color!

FYI, if you want chalkboard paint in colors other than store-bought formulas that come in traditional green and black. You can follow this recipe to mix your own batch in any shade. Cleverly applied chalkboard paint means new places to track appointments, keep lists, and leave messages. Or simply use the surface to draw or doodle, which will appeal to kids and the kid in everyone.

The recipe is:

1 Cup Flat Latex Paint ~ Any Color
2 Tablespoons Unsanded grout powder (used for tiling)
Mix well and paint at least two coats with each coat allowed to dry. Easy!

Just thought you might want to know!


  1. I so wish I would have known this LAST week! lol I just did a post on a chalkboard I made for the kitchen! Oh well, I will keep in the file for future reference. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh my gosh that is so cool !!!
    Thank you for showing us the recipe !!


  3. Thanks for putting it out there Terry. There is always an economical alternative. I've used a similar recipe. Love that color by the way.

  4. Oh yes...LOVE this recipe! Use it to create my son's art activity wall!!

    it's fabulous and WORKED!

  5. Thanks for the "recipe". I just made a few chalkboards too. I just wish they were magnetic also. Like the chalkboards in the classrooms. I tried spraying magnetic spray first and then chalkboard paint over it as a 'top coat'...didn't work :( Oh well!

  6. Thanks so much, Terry! You rock!!!! I might try this in our art studio. *awesome*

  7. Olá sou nova aqui, adorei teu blog, e o post do quadro então!!!
    Posso pegar receitas e imagens do seu blog para mostrar aqui no Brasil? Claro que postarei créditos.
    Bjos Carinhosos

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this! I have an end table that I was going to chalkboard the top of and pink would be so much prettier than black!!!!! Can't wait to try this tomorrow. You Rock!

  9. Yes I did wnat to know that.

    I am amaized how smart some prople are.

    I really want to mix some up maybe in red


  10. Terry, I used your recipe and posted today about my finished "love notes" table, I hope you come by and look. I linked back to you to share where I found the advice and inspiration!! Thanks it was so much fun. Hope you come by to take a look!!

  11. Thank u Thanku Thanku! This is great! hugs judy

  12. Hi - I am certainly delighted to discover this. Good job!

  13. Oooh! love this! I pinned it too :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!


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