
Oh How We've Changed!

These ads were so funny I just had to share with my friends! These certainly wouldn't be published in todays world...


  1. Those are great! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Those ads are great!!! :-) Thank you for sharing!!!

  3. I find those ads ironic yet funny. I wonder where you got them. Btw, just wondering if you would like to co-host with me sometime in our Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop. I'd love to hear from you :)

  4. Oh my gosh! This is the funniest thing ever, I am going to post your link to my blog!

  5. This is priceless. Shared it with my co-workers. What a great laugh we had!

  6. Oh my.. cocaine tooth fix and drunk Mom's and babies.. wow! I am old enough I remembered some of those things. yikes .. not the beer and cocaine.. not that old.

  7. I showed these to my 18 year old daughter. She thought that these were jokes. Not real. Historically inaccurate. ;P Thanks for sharing these!

  8. OMG
    How funny are those adds

    Can you believe them OMG

    Today somebody would get suied for lots of money $$$$$$$$$$

  9. These are so funny! I bet it was mostly men that came up with this cheesy stuff. It had to be right! Thanks for coming by and entering my giveaway, it was nice to meet you!

  10. What a wonderful way to begin my day! I am still laughing and somewhat amazed at the "false" advertising! The Blatz beer ad was an "eye-opener" for me ! .....and baby could benefit from the "tonic" also. Surely when that was written and published, everyone knew not to give alcohol to babies! It just proves how advertising can affect us, and not always in good ways.

  11. yeah this is awesome post by the author i love to know about it thanks and plz keep posting


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