
My Back Gardens

Our lot is on a slight slope and only a 1/2 acre. So the house sets up on a small hill. The back has a lower patio, then a low rock wall and the land is flat above that rock wall. The rock is from the foundation of the original farm house. See the previous front yard post HERE.
We installed the pergola and you can see the post on that HERE.

Sit back and enjoy these pictures.
Window hanging above the swing in the back of the property. See the five acre field then the ranch housing addition to our west. It looks closer here than it really is.

The south burm leading to the swing area that divides the north from the south burm.

See the old gates? They hold back the ornamental grasses as they get big and tend to fall on the plants in front. This solution works well and adds charm to the space.

Looking north at the second large burm.

A bubbler fountain we built off the patio in front of the rock wall.

Old porch pillar with weather vane in the gardens. Six are in the house, the seventh one is here in the garden...no more room in the house.

The back swing. It always feels 10 degrees cooler here under the big oak tree.

This park bench to the south side surrounded by sedum.

I built this dry creek bed and the bridge all by myself...surprised the Hubby!
This dry creek bed leads the rain water away from the patio.

Looking to the north at the large north burm in the back.

Our tiny little vegetable garden is big enough for two tomato plants, zinnias and a yellow squash plant. We go to the farmers market for all other veggies.

Looking out a bedroom upper story window to the south west facing burm and the field.

See how the plants have gotten bigger but the gate keeps the ornamental grass off them?

Looking south across the two large burms at the very back of our property.

Looking north across the two large burms at the very back of our property.

None of these burms and flower beds were here when we bought the house. Just flat boring grass. We have done a great deal of landscaping to bring interest to the yard!

NOTE: You should be able to click on most of the pictures to enlarge to see further details.
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Piece of Work Wednesday @  Primitive & Proper
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage

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Strut Your Stuff Thursday @ Somewhat Simple
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
100 Ideas Under $100 @ Beyond The Picket Fence

Cottage Flora Thursday @ Fishtail Cottage
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed

Remodelaholic Friday @ Remodelaholic
Frugal Friday @ Shabby Nest

Look What I Found Friday @ Vintage Revivals
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Weekend WrapUp Party @ Tatertots and Jello
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different, Act Normal 
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn
Sundae Scoop Weekend Wrap Up Party @ I love Nap Time 
Before and After Party @ Thrifty Decor Chick
Any Link Goes Party @ Bacon Time With The Hungry Hungry Hypo 


  1. Just lovely, Terry! I don't know how you take care of it all! It's become difficult for me to maintain the beds on our 3/4 of an acre. Thank goodness for perennials! Before I worked full time, I had put many of our beds in and had the time to devote to them. I feel like I start in the front, make me way around back, and then it's time to do the front again!

  2. Love It! We just moved in to a house and put in our first bed! I am so excited to see it grow. I hope to use some of your ideas for inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Terry,your back yard looks amazing, I could sit out there all day long..happy Sunday


  4. You have a green thumb! I like the old gates and the column pillar~very nice!

  5. So pretty. So much work. A never ending tending to. Have a great day.

  6. Terry...i have to ask: Do you ever sleep? Your gardens, interior, projects, crafts, shop, clients....

    *yawns* I am tired just thinking about it. *off to take a nap*

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous back garden. Your home is delightful both inside and out! Have a blessed Sunday!

    Ricki Jill

  7. Wow Wow Wow ~ I've just stumbled across your blog and became your newest follower! Very impressive yard. LOVE it all!
    'hugs from afar'

  8. Your yard is stunning. I love all of the special spots you have for the eyes to gaze on special features or stop and sit for a while. Beautifully done. Hugs, Marty

  9. Your landscaping looks beautiful. What a lovely place you have.

  10. Your yard is beautiful Terry! I love how you've used the gates to corral the grasses--Nice work! I'm impressed that your daylilies and black eyed susans are already blooming. What a wonderful space you've created!

    Have a great day.

  11. Your yard is so beautiful it should be in a magazine. Has it been? Rock garde? Really? Whenever you run out of things to do at your house feel free to come to mine and do whatever you want! : )

  12. Very pretty Garden Terry, you simply have a beautiful home. xxx

  13. What a beautiful yard! Such a nice escape. You guys have really done a great job. :)

    Have a great week!

  14. I am so jealous of your gorgeous yard!!!

  15. Your garden is gorgeous, Terry. I love it! What I like most about it is that it looks very natural....Christine

  16. Stunning gardens with so many wonderful features!!
    Your front yard is gorgeous too!!

    Loving your pergola! I wish my yard was a bit larger for a space like that!!



  17. It's beautiful. You have a natural talent for landscaping. It looks so inviting.

  18. Stunning! Your love of gardening really shows. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Victoria Lynn

  19. Love your beautiful gardens. And what a great idea for the ornamental grass - using an old gate to hold it up. I am going to "steal" your idea - hope you don't mind :)

  20. Terry, it is absolutely gorgeous! Your grounds are splendid, so nice to have so much room! Here in Los Angeles, everyone is so crammed together, and you pay top dollar (like the better part of a million $) for real estate in a nice area, only to purchase the privilege of living so close to your neighbor you can hear when they clip their nails (I am NOT making that up!). I would so love to have a home and yard like yours!

    You do amazing work in the yard, I've seen yards planned by professional landscape architects that aren't as nice as yours!



  21. OMG..love this garden. I love how there are so many little areas to catch your attention. Your little veggie garden looks perfect.. I can't wait to start our box gardens at our new house.

  22. Oh my gosh, Terry- your yard just goes on and on forever! I love all that you've done. I sure wish I had the gardening gene! Alas, my talents lie elsewhere. LOL
    How large is your lot? I think we have Sullivan relatives in Quincy. The family came over from Ireland and settled in that area and in Iowa, where the husband is from. I should look them up in the book we got from the last reunion. Keeping taking care of that gorgeous yard! P.S. I am finally putting away the remainder of my sale stuff. I should really have a yard sale to see if any more of it could get sold. I just sold another blogger some stuff this morning! How fun- Maybe I should open an Etsy shop! nah- too much trouble.... LOL
    ~ Sue

  23. Breathtakingly beautiful, You have done an amazing job. Thanks so much for visiting and for the nice comment.

  24. Your beautiful garden has all the elements I love on a garden in one space. Lovely!

  25. Wow, you have a real talent for landscaping and it is obvious you enjoy it! It is just breath taking!


  26. That is a gorgeous yard! You have done a great job.
    fran @ eleven-o-one

  27. Looks great! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment about the checker board tray. I'm your newest follwer:)

  28. Your landscaping and gardens are incredible and a great source of inspiration.
    I'm especially interested in your dry creek bed with the little bridge. For the last couple of years I have wanted to do something similar in our front yard. Would love to know how you put it altogether. Did you build the bridge from scratch as well?

    Lovely pictures, thanks for the tour. :)

  29. My what a beautiful yard you have!!I have so much yet that needs done for mine to look this finished!

  30. You have large and lovely gardens. Great idea to use the gate for the tall grasses.
    How I would like to have a swing like yours but no room here on our small lot.
    I've used a lot of stones to line gardens and they all cam from on the property, most buried.

  31. Terry,
    Popped over from Wow Us Wednesdays. Your gardens are beautiful! I can see how much work and love you put into them. Please stop over and visit when you have a minute. I have a pergola and gardens, too. I am your newest follower!

  32. I'm so jealous. Your gardens are beautiful...love the pergola and the stone edge....I do not have a green thumb or a color anywhere near. Besides being gorgeous, I would love to just sit there in the peace and tranquility.

  33. You have a beautiful yard, love the pics. Glad you added your link to BC Good Life Wednesdays :)

  34. Linda@ourlovelybungalow.comJune 9, 2011 at 10:59 PM

    Wow, your garden looks beautiful, I love it!
    Linda :o)

  35. I found you through Wicked Faerie Queen. I'm with the other commenter Denise, when you are finished with your house, can you please come to mine. What a beautiful home inside and out.
    Must be a reflection of yourself. Have a great weekend.

  36. Absolutely gorgeous! You've put so much time and work into your yard! It's really paid off. Looks like a garden paradise!

  37. Oh my, this is just gorgeous, what a wonderful oasis you have. Thanks so much for linking up with VIF,
    xo Debra

  38. I Love what you have done to your yard. I love all the different kinds of tall grass you have used. Can you email me back with the names of them. We are in the process of doing our yard. My email address is deesdailynews@gmail.com

  39. The dry creek and bridge you created rock - actually your whole yard rocks. I definitely have acre envy now.
    Thanks for sharing. Visiting you from TT&J

  40. Your landscaping is fabulous! Beautifully done, Terry. Thank you for joining my party and have a great weekend.

  41. In love!!! adoring that pergola the most. thanks for sharing over at Cottage Flora Thursday's garden party! xoox, tracie

  42. Thank you for linking up to Bacon Time. For the first party it was a huge success with over 300 links. I am going to have a special give away next week just for linkers. Thanks for adding my link too. Your photos have me green with envy.

  43. Such a gorgeous yard! Your landscaping is incredible and love your pergola~ So pretty Terry! Thank you for sharing at FNF :)

  44. Goodness Terry I am not sure where to start. Your back gardens are simply beautiful. Gorgeous work. I could definitely spend a great deal deal of time sitting under your pergola sipping tea enjoying the summer time. Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party. I am a little behind commenting - but I have featured this last week. Hope you are having a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  45. Gorgeous! Found your link from Pinterest.


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