
Indian Jace!

I realize that it's late to show you this but I think this little guy is the cutest thing and he is my little sweetheart! I have loved him from day 1!

I am friends with this little guy's Mother. She was saying in passing right before Thanksgiving that he needed to have a simple costume of an Indian for school.  So resourceful Terry went into action and made him this little costume in about 30 minutes. Mind you she did not ask me...I just did!!!

I took wide brown ribbon and painted the red and white lines on it to mimic beading on an Indian Braves chest gear. I then found some scrap elastic and trim and made him this headband. Simple and easy, but very cute. The only thing I had her buy was the feathers for me to use. If she knew I was going to put these on my blog, she probably would have taken better pictures too. Right Lindsay?


Then to top it off, they made these cute butterfly snacks of gold fish crackers and raisins.

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