
China Garden Flower Tutorial!

I have seen some whimsical garden flowers made out of various dishes and fun glass items.

It's easy and simple to do.

Here's how...

Gather old dishes of various shapes and sizes...
You will also need an old silver spoon for the back of each flower. I flattened it out using a hammer since it will be glued to the back of the plate. A great place to get this stuff is garage sales, thrift stores and even your own stash.
I used GE Silicone II window and door exterior caulk instead of glue. Then just glue all the pieces together. After it sets up overnight, glue the spoon on the back because the handle of the spoon will go into the metal tubing that holds the flower.
After all is set up, just paint metal pipe tubing green (I got mine at a garage sale for 35¢) for the stem and hammer them into the ground. Insert the handle of the spoon into the pipe and you now have your whimsical flowers!
This one has a metal pan, then a ceramic saucer then a tiny floral teapot.
This one is made with a dinner plate, a clear glass bowl, then a blue glass votive holder that looks like a flower.
This one is a metal jello mold painted blue, then a glass candle holder.
This one has a dinner plate, then a saucer, then a yellow glass votive holder in the shape of a flower.

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  1. good idea ıts very nice the gardennice day:))

  2. You need to post this all over!!! It is a great great project.. Love it.

  3. oh my goodness, I grab pretties like this all the time and now I know what to do with them!

  4. So cute and original! I've never seen anything like this before. If you're looking for another place to share your creative projects, check out Etcetorize. Party starts later tonight..would really love to see you there!

  5. Terry, I have bookmarked this tutorial to try...these are adorable! :D Thanks for posting it. I had a LOT of success with your tassel tutorial, so you know I will try this one.


  6. I have been collecting plates for a good while to make some garden flowers, but could never figure out an easy way to add the stem. Thank you for the best idea of doing that I have ever seen.

  7. Great way to add some whimsy to the garden. Nice how-to. Thanks.

  8. So VERY cute!! Thanks for the inspiration. I've pinned your awesome idea. :)

  9. These are gorgeous! What a wonderful way to create a garden with upcycled plates! Hope you will add my party to your linky list @ http://pinkapotamus.blogspot.com/2012/06/pink-hippo-party-82.html
    I am your newest follower~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  10. What a fun idea! Your flower plates are darling!

  11. What is the little plastic flower shape in the middle?

  12. Oh my goodness, these are sooo cute! Thanks for the tutorial, too. Can't wait to try these.

  13. I would like to say you are a very creative and clever lady, and I love your idea of these folowers with plates, it's wonderful and the how to was very simple and I love it. Thank you for sharing this very different and unique idea.

  14. Seriously cute! And what an easy way to get them secure in the ground! Love that idea! Saw you at I Gotta Create!

  15. I have a friend who creates this sort of thing for the gardens... she making lots of money selling her designs in boutiques... and lots of fun as well! Larry

  16. Love your china garden will be trying this thank u for the tutorial

  17. FABULOUS!! Love 'em all, but that little tea pot is da bomb!
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina

  18. Oh! Featuring you right away on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Igottacreate/100573240032625?sk=wall

  19. I am bookmarking this post! Exactly what I need in my garden. . .I'm inspired!

  20. I love these they are so charming. In my yard they would break in a minute. They add a bit of whimsy. Saw you on Fishtail Garden.


  21. My local garden center had some of these the other day and I'm now on the look out for anything to use! They are so beautiful! His were made a little differently, although with the same idea in mind. His had a hockey puck glued onto the back and then a piece of rebar (?) inserted into the hockey puck. I think your's is a lot better looking and the spoon ties in more. I'm definitely trying this out!

  22. I love these and have been wanting to make some for my whimsical garden. Thanks for showing us how! I'm visiting from the I Gotta Create linky party.
    Your newest follower - Terrie

  23. I have seen these being Sold, but the price was prohibitive... and thought, "I could do that..."... and certainly I've always got a stash of Vintage China & Glasswares... well, now with your Tutorial I surely can! *Winks* They are Lovely... Thanks for Sharing!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  24. These are so adorable I had to pin them. I have everything to make them, now to find one more thing, TIME!

  25. This is just the "SWEETEST IDEA EVER"! How wonderful to have these set up for a teaparty in the garden! AND I would also like to make little ones "MAYBE WITH Butter pats" to give as gifts. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
    Thank you so much for sharing!
    Have a fun weekend,

  26. Very cute idea!! I like the tiny teapot!


  27. I love adding fun and whimsical touches in the garden!

  28. You're a STAR tonight over at I Gotta Create! Featuring your delightful 'flowers.' Thanks so much for linking up!
    <3 Christina


  29. I can't wait to go through some boxes of old china I have in storage, I am soooooooo going to do this. I love it, why didn't I think of that!

  30. I love these!!! SO pretty! Thanks for sharing how to! xo Holly

  31. I saw some plate flowers recently at an antique show and sale. They used glass knobs for the centres and it looked like they drilled a hole through the plates. I've been wanting to try this for a while but I don't have the proper drill bit. I like your technique much better and attaching the spoon to the back if brilliant.
    I wouldn't have thought to use a tin plate, that's my favourite one.

    Thanks for sharing your tutorial.

    Have a wonderful day!

  32. I have not ever seen this....but it is adorable! Thanks for sharing.

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  34. I saw many post doing the same, and I'm envy I want to learn how to do that.

    Glass Garden

  35. Terry I just finished making one of these adorable yard art flowers- thanks for the inspiration. I am wondering now that you have had yours in your yard for over a year if the glue is still holding up ok?

  36. How cute is this!! I am going to try some for myself and I love your yard.

  37. I saw some garden plates made into flowers at a local garden center. They told me the plates were from a local artist. They were mostly clear glass but all of them had an iridescent shine to them, almost rainbow colors in the sun. I asked and they told me they had been sprayed with a waterproof iridescent spray paint. So, I went to the local Joanne craft store and they didn't know what I was talking about, do you? Thanks! I have several plates bought to make Christmas gifts and it would be great to spray paint some of the clear one! Amy K., Richmond, Va


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