
Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Do people not have vision? Or do they just not like to do the work?

I don't know which, but I had picked up an antique oval mirror at a garage sale and basically did nothing to it, but put it in my antique mall booth. 

No one wanted it after months of being displayed and a priced decline.
That told me that I needed to bring it home and give it some love! Here is the before picture of the mirror...
See all the pretty detail of the roses around this mirrored frame?
I painted it with Annie Sloan Old White Chalk paint and instead of waxing it, I used Polycrylic sealer since I was afraid of all that Annie Sloan wax getting into the crevasses and not being able to buff it out.

I took this square mirror that I had painted white and added 'Welcome' in vinyl to my booth and it sold FAST. So it goes to show me that people want it finished so they don't have to.
To replace the void on the wall, I put the oval one there. It really bounces light off the lamp and ceiling lights in the evening to give more light in this hall.

It's working for me! Or at least I thought it was! If I could make the sound of a needle scratching a record here I would. Why? Because I only thought this was good. I am currently repainting and decorating my large blue guest bedroom and this faux fireplace was put in here when I redid my master...
I moved this for painting and was thinking I would sell it in my antique mall booth because I have had my fun with it. Hubby mentioned that he liked it, so that put my mind to thinking of a new location. How about at the top of the stairs in the hall? Yep, we moved it there, and I used the oval mirror in the center of it to help reflect the light from the lamp and NOW I think it 'really works'!
Don't you? Yes, I know I move things around in my house A LOT!!!!!


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  1. I does look lovely now that you painted it, Terry and looks perfect for that space!


  2. Hi Terry,
    This happens to me too when I try to sell something that I haven't painted or tweaked. I think your mirror looks great now and I love it inside the frame. Lovin the pot lids on the wall too. Your home is so lovely.


  3. Love this mirror....did the varnish "yellow" over the chalk paint? I painted a tabletop with ASCP, and varnished it with a clear minwax poly and a month later I noticed it yellowed!

  4. It looks beautiful! I love where you put the mirror too!

  5. Love this beautiful mirror and your decorating ideas. I'm excited to be a new follower. I would love if you stopped by to check out my baby design ideas and followed me back at www.iheartpears.blogspot.com

  6. Yep. it works, I find there is very few things that I can just put in my booth, I think they don't have vision and then if they did...They wouldn't know how! Love the idea of adding the vinyl to the mirror, I'm going to try that!


  7. Beautiful! Gotta love ASCP!
    {found you on the Blog Hop and am a new follower!}

  8. I think this looks so lovely and must make quite a statement when you look up from the bottom of the stairs. Love the mirror!

  9. It looks beautiful! You are a smart decorator!

  10. I think in general when people shop in antique stores, they want a finished, home ready product. They go to flea markets, thrift shops, or yard sales to find bargains that they can fix up. That's my experience anyway. I would have something in my booth...it didn't sell...take it home and paint it white...raise the price...it would sell. Go figure!
    Mary Alice

  11. Absolutely perfect now, Terry! I liked the vignette before, but I love, love, love it with the fireplace and the mirror layered within the vintage mirror frame!

    I just found you through Knick of Time. I'm the guest blogger there today and thought I would take a bit of time browsing Angie's sponsors. I'm glad I found you and would love to have you join me weekly for my linky party - Time Travel Thursday. It would be wonderful to share your creative talents with my readers. ;)

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  12. It looks wonderful in it's new coat and it's new location! Perfect.

    I find that most people DON'T have vision or ambition. If a seller doesn't want to have to change anything with a piece, then you have to create a vignette to highlight it's character so people can see it's potential, otherwise, you have to paint it or change it's purpose to make it desirable. People are "funny."

  13. gorgeous! i love the mirror in white- so plain pretty!

  14. Yes, I have the same problem at my shop, people don't have time to redo anything, so they want it done and will pay the extra for it, yours is beautiful, love the mantel room!!!

  15. I love what you did with your mirror and yes it definitely works! I have two oval black/gold mirrors--sounds ugly, but they work for now. I loved your idea of adding the vinyl lettering to yours. I'm thinking I may have to borrow that idea. I also see you are a lost lid collector! I only have 3, but I love them and have them hanging on my wall mixed in with a few plates. They just add a little something to the mix.

    Cathy ♥

  16. Love the lamp in front of the mirror!

    Make sure you stop by and share this at my Flaunt It Friday link party.
    Can't wait to see more posts.


  17. It was meant to be for the oval to be in your living room. I really love the lamp in front of the mirror and the way the light reflects off of it. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday's Best!

  18. Yes! I love the layering effect - gives it so much depth.
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina

  19. oh my goodness!!!!! I love how you hung those lids on the wall. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the pitcher collection. I can't walk past one without at least picking it up. People definitely don't want to do the work.


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