
$50 Changes!

You are in for a real treat!
 I am so excited to show you all the changes and you will see the domino effect of what $50 did in my home.
I will entice you to stay awhile by showing you the final outcome!
 Okay, here is the back story...I went to an auction and spent $50 on this 6 1/2 foot buffet!
 No, I didn't realize that it was that big!

It had so much character but had seen it's better days. Someone had tried to strip it and left the finish less than desirable. But I knew that I was going to paint it anyway. What I had not counted on is that the stripper residue even after a good cleaning caused the Annie Sloan Old White Chalk Paint to crackle. 
Actually after a second coat, I really liked the crackle effect. I also sanded the top and stained it dark walnut.
I loved the finished buffet and didn't want to sell it because that is what I was initially going to do with it! I had been wanting one of these for a very long time and really don't have the space for it.
My sweet hubby is a problem solver and suggested that we get rid of this computer armoire that isn't all that old and was expensive...
There is a desk top computer in this that we don't use. Also it is placed in an alcove that would look great for the buffet...BUT...
The buffet is 2 1/2 inches longer than the alcove! Hubby suggested yet another solution. 
Move this hutch...
 from our dining room to the alcove and place the buffet in its place! 
 Bingo ~ domino effect!
So now the hutch is in the study and I will show you more on that in a later post. Out with the parsons chair and in with the beautiful new buffet...
The next issue was what to place above the buffet. As luck would have it, last week I got a huge old ornate frame with an (ugly) print for FREE at a garage sale. They must have thought, who would want to buy this?
What did I do? I painted the frame in AS Old White Chalk Paint and then painted the cardboard picture with black chalkboard paint. Now I have a fun piece to do some chalk art on!
I literally only spent $50. I already had all the paint. So it all has come together and after shopping my own home, I only have to now find a buyer for my computer armoire!
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The Inspiration Board Link Party @ Homework
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Just a party for my Peeps @ How To Nest for Less
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Time to Shine Tuesday @ A Diamond in the Stuff 
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Be Inspired Party @ Elizabeth & Co.
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100 Ideas Under $100 @ Beyond The Picket Fence
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Inspiration Friday @ At The Picket Fence
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Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
Any Link Goes Party @ Bacon Time With The Hungry Hungry Hypo 
Weekend WrapUp Party @ Tatertots and Jello 
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Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different, Act Normal 

Overflowing with Creativity @ It's Overflowing
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn 
Sundae Scoop Weekend Wrap Up Party @ I love Nap Time 
Sunday Blog Love @ Cherished Treasures
So Darn Crafty Party @ Sew Many Ways
Sunday's Best Wrap Up Party @ My 1929 Charmer


  1. Great piece and smart hubby for working out the logistics!

  2. wow, what a gorgeous piece! i love those details and those awesome legs!

  3. Buffet beauty. I like the details and of course how you set it all up.

  4. Love everything about it! Love shopping home and it all comes together nicely!

  5. What an amazing find! You did a lovely job with the finish!

  6. Terry, the buffet is beautiful. Love the detail! The whole vignette is pretty!

  7. It's like the story If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. $50 very well spent. Looks beautiful.

  8. Very pretty, and I really like the crackling also!

  9. Amazing! Love the colors and what a score on the buffet for $50! I just bought my first can of ASCP and am going to paint this weekend - just can't wait! You did such a great job on this - PINNING!

  10. Your buffet looks gorgeous! I'm in the middle of a redo very similar to yours that I picked up for $90. I'll be finished tomorrow morning and posting the results! It's a BIG job! :) I hope mine turns out as well as yours! Hopped over from I Gotta Create and I'm happy to be your newest follower. Would love to have you stop by for a visit! Blessings ~ Judy

  11. That buffet is so beautiful! Love the design and details.

  12. Your buffet turned out awesome; can't imagine what would have been on it to make the paint do that. The before looks like such a clean finish; but the crackle is kind of a cool effect. Beautiful job refinishing the top, it must have been in really good condition ~ what a score for that price - wow!

  13. Isn't that funny how almost all of our decorating ideas turn into the domino effect? Your buffet is lovely and the changes seemed to work out beautifully in your home...you have such a flair for decorating!

  14. Oh, you are so creative! Love what you did with the buffet, framed print, and I love the black and white accents! They are so fun and sophisticated at the same time!

  15. The buffet looks great, love the crackling effect!!! Nice runner and perfect accessories....the domino effect,love it....makes you feel like you just moved in!!!

  16. Gorgeous!! I love everything!! Your hutch is super cute too! I made some plates similar to yours with black paint and dollar tree plates!! I'm your newest follower!! Cheers ~Deanna

  17. First of all I cannot believe you only paid $50.00 for that gorgeous buffet. What a steal. Secondly I cannot believe it is the same buffet. Simply gorgeous!


  18. This is so cool, Terry--love the new buffet, and the chalkboard frame you made! Bravo to your hubby who came up with good solutions--sounds like he's a keeper :)

  19. I love your new buffet and what you did with it. It's soooo beautiful. I'm only a little bit green {just around the edges}. LOL

  20. That is a gorgeous buffet, and your vignette is also very lovely!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. What a nice buffet. Thanks for sharing. I really love those photos and reading your blog as well. Nice one!


  23. You have one clever and helpful hubby, he really came up with some great idea! Love your buffet, love that you swapped out a cabinet you really done use. The sing above your buffet is true, There's no place like home, and yours looks lovely! Thanks for sharing your inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  24. I love your work but wanted to post it on pinterest

  25. That buffet was a steal at $50! And now you've turned it into a real beauty! I love the way you made everything work together so nicely!


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