
I chose RED!

As I was walking the aisles at JoAnn Fabric's I was amazed at all the selection of outdoor fabrics...

In all colors...

In all designs...

A Whole aisle dedicated just to this kind of fabric!

That got me to thinking...

It's time for a change!

My white iron chair that sits on my front porch is faded (see below). I think I upholstered it back in 2011 and since it's a covered porch, it stays out all year. The fabric has held up really well but it has faded and lost it's charm. Plus back then, JoAnn's did not have much in the way of selection on outdoor fabric.
I selected red for a pop of bright color that coordinated with the brick on the house but...
At the same time, would look great when I decorate out there for Christmas! Yes, I am thinking ahead.
I made a simple accent pillow to go on the setee and it really brightens up the space.
I'll have more to share with you concerning the front porch soon! Bet you can't wait!
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Seasonal Sunday @ The Tablescaper
Every Room In The House @ A Joyful Cottage
Get Your DIY On @ The Hankful House


  1. Be still my heart!! I am a lover of red and I LOVE the new look!!


  2. Oh my, oh my, oh MY!!! Could that be a happier fabric? An absolutely glorious choice. Love it! Jane

  3. I always love your fabric selections and this one is no different! I love it!

  4. Oh my! I love, love, love your new fabric. You made a wonderful choice. Thank you so much for sharing at Tuesdays at Our Home. Have a great week! Maria

  5. Wow, the new fabric adds such a happiness to your porch! I love your choice as red is my fave!

  6. Great choice!!! Love the way they turned out!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  7. I love your red and such a fun and happy porch setting. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  8. Beautiful fabric! Love the look!

  9. Nice selection--bright and perky!
    Doesn't it feel refreshing?!

  10. Love!!! Great color :-)

    Happy Tuesday!

  11. Terry, that is such a pretty fabric! Love that pop of red!

  12. Hi Terry,

    LOVE your new outdoor fabric; it is perfect on your porch and complements everything around it, especially the beautiful wrought iron chairs! Speaking of chairs, my own black wrought iron ones are getting a makeover this weekend, and I'm also going for a warm, creamy white. Beautiful post, thanks for sharing!

    Visiting via Create It Thursday,


  13. That looks so beautiful, I love that fabric and I'm totally with you, I choose red too whenever possible!

  14. GORGEOUS! I'm rethinking red. I've always loved red but lately have gone to other colors. Yea, I think it's time to re-evaluate the color red. BEAUTIFUL!

  15. Oooooh I love that fabric Terry - your chairs look gorgeous with that pop of red!
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  16. I love that pop of red!! I hate to admit that I'm kinda afraid of color in decorating! Thanks so much for linking up to Freedom Fridays! Pinning!

  17. Beautiful fabric! You did a great job making these. Stopping by from Say G'Day party.

  18. Hmmmm Joanne fabrics aye, I wonder if their outdoor fabrics will be on sale soon. I didn't really think about that and I need to cover some of my old cushions for outdoor use. Thanks for that tip.
    Yours are beautiful

  19. Terry, that fabric is amazing! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features today at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to this week's party. http://www.thededicatedhouse.com/2014/07/make-it-pretty-monday-week-109.html Hope to see you again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  20. Teri!! I love the red, it was a fantastic choice. Thanks for linking up at Project Pin-it, I will be featuring you this week.


  21. Love the pop of red! Such a simple way to add so much color.

  22. Beautiful Terry! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.

  23. I am loving your porch, especially the red print fabric. Red makes me happy, and I think brings something special to any room - no matter what the palette. Thanks for sharing.


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