
Fall Decor in Close-up ~ Part 1

As I have been going throughout this year, I have been getting rid of a lot of decor that I am tired of or have way too much of. I want to be able to decorate but not on the scale that I was decorating.


And Then It Was A Clock

Can you see it?

I bet not!

After the dust settled on our huge garage sale, we realized that we sold something that we use every day...

Our master bathroom clock!

And if you know me, I didn't want just a clock to replace the clock.

 I wanted something different...
                 Something special.


Teal Frame Wreath

I had a huge garage sale last Friday and really cleaned out the house. Now that I no longer have a booth at the antique mall and have been spending time with my new granddaughter, I feel like a weight off my shoulders...to get all the clutter out of the house and all the storage items caused by needing inventory for my booth. Believe me, it was a very popular sale that was sold out in 5 hours on a Friday morning!!!

Hear that? That is my house breathing a sigh of relief!

Now I should be able to post more regularly and to start off, I made an unusual wreath for my daughter.


Quick Fall Door Decor

It is begrudgingly that I am slowly thinking about Fall decor. Why?

I have been busy with vacations, preparing our rental house for new occupants and of course, our new granddaughter.

Plus, I LOVE SUMMER. I love the heat since I am one that is always cold.

Though I do love decorating for the changing of the seasons, I just know that after Fall is Winter and NO, NO, NO, I hate that.

My neighbors even tease me, come the end of Autumn and say "good-bye", since they know I don't leave the house unless I absolutely have to and they just don't see me out until Spring.