
Garage Sale Dream Come True!

I am so excited to share this with you. A couple of weeks ago I was reading the evening paper and saw an ad for a Garage Sale...IN DECEMBER. Now, it's very cold where I live in the winter and it's even more unusual to see a garage sale ad this time of year. However it said that it was indoor...so I thought that I would go.
To my astonishment, this dress form is what I saw first! I have wanted one of these for so long, but they are too expensive for my taste.  Here's the best part, I ask the seller how much he wants for it and he tells me 250. I KNOW that they are expensive but hey, this IS a garage sale! Then he says to me, "Surely you will take it for $2.50!" I said, "SOLD".  Yes that's right, I got this beauty for only two dollars and fifty cents.

My mind races on creativity overload when this happens and I am already thinking of what I can do with her. When I get home, I search my home for a book that I can tear up. I am known for decorating with books for lifts and levels and found one that the spine was torn. It was a Spanish book, but what the heck! Here (above) you see me already covering her in the pages.
 Here she is all done in all her glory!

I took her upstairs in my Master Bedroom and dressed her first in a fancy hat.

And finally in my wedding dress. Yep, I love her and here she will stay. Terry

Linking up to
Susan's Met. Monday
Carrie's Amaze Me Monday
Sassy's Tuesday Trash to Treasure
Kim's Boring to Better Party
Kathleen's White Wednesday 
Belle's Talent Tuesday 
DIY Weekly Showcase Party
Meg's Everything but the Kitchen Sink 
Courtney's Feathered Nest Friday
Wendy's Frugal Friday
Dana's Strut your Stuff Saturday
Donna's Saturday Nite Special
Jane's Frugalicious Friday
Stephanie Lynn's Sunday Showcase Party 


  1. She turned out beautiful! I love to get the Suzy Stitch brand and remove the fabric cover to show their brown paper "skin". =)

    Blessings... Polly

  2. Terry, wow! Only $2.50??? Amazing. I love how you ran home and decoupaged the paper on...looks great! It turned out just beautiful.

  3. I'll trade my form (my size 0 body) for yours!!! Ha! Love it Terry. Do I have any bids on that teapot? Just Kidding! I wouldn't sell it for anything! It looks good in my kitchen. Thank you Terry from your big sister.

  4. what a fabulous find! And for 250!!! ha ha Cute story =D

    You "AMAZE ME"! Thank you for linking up to the Monday blog party!!

  5. What a great story!! I have been wanting a dress form for years...doubt I will ever find a deal like you did and it turned out so beautiful. I would call that an early Christmas gift!!

  6. What a deal and such a great transformation. I guess you mode podged it. Thanks for sharing this, too.

  7. She turned out great and what a deal - score! Happy WW


  8. Now that was a great find! I love what you did with her! :)

  9. Did you feel like fainting???? I would have, I cannot believe what a wonderful find and the mannequin is in good vintage condition! I love what you did to it! And she looks so happy wearing the wedding dress. Congratulations on your best score I have heard of this year!
    I am a follower!

  10. $2.50!!! Wow I would buy a 100 of those at that price! You did a great job transforming her!

  11. Good for you- I can't believe how cheap you got her. Obviously the man had no idea what he had there did he? Now you need to name her- mine is named Josephine and some days she is the only one I like to talk to :)

  12. Wow $2.50...What a bargain. I have two vintage mannequins have had for years I plan to do a post about very soon.

  13. I love what you did with this!! I have an old dress form like this and might have to try this on it- it is so charming! and what a DEAL!!! Thanks for sharing at my party!

  14. At a time in my life where garage sales were not my #1 priority my mom pulled up to one with me in the car. To my surprise there was a dress form there and it was nearly identical to my measurements (bust is bigger than mine...typical). I got it for $10 and she is the love of my life next to my husband.

  15. 2.50!?!? Holy cow! That's a steal! She looks great covered in book pages.
    I've wanted a dress form for years, I'm just not willing to shell out all my grocery money for one. You give me hope!

  16. Wow, I wish I could find a deal like that. I would love a dress form too. I adore how you fancied it up. What a clever idea and it is really fun that it is a spanish book. Entertaining to read! How about Wuthering Heights! I have to find one to recreate your little lovely! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Christmas.

  17. Some people have all the luck! Ha! I've always wanted one too. It turned out great!

    Warmly, Michelle


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