
Thrift Store = Centerpiece

Today I went to the thrift store. I purchased everything to make a cool centerpiece...and you won't believe the price!
Antique square bowls and glass candle stand = $1.50
Vintage ornaments = 25¢
Gold Christmas Tree = 75¢
Didn't this just turn out deliciously awesome and for only $2.50! And a bonus below...
Boot = 12¢, Bottle Brush Tree from Ben Franklin = $1
 Merry Christmas, Terry
Linking up to
Susan's Met. Monday
Carrie's Amaze Me Monday
Sassy's Tuesday Trash to Treasure
Cielo's Show off Your Cottage Monday 
Kim's Boring to Better Party 
Belle's Talent Tuesday 
Gina's Transformation Thursday
DIY Weekly Showcase Party
Meg's Everything but the Kitchen Sink
Courtney's Feathered Nest Friday
Wendy's Frugal Friday
Dana's Strut your Stuff Saturday
Donna's Saturday Nite Special 
Jane's Frugalicious Friday
Stephanie Lynn's Sunday Showcase Party 


  1. Terry, I *heart* those square bowls. Your centerpiece looks so nice. You are the THrifty Diva, I tell ya! Awesome :D

  2. You are a clever one! I love that little boot mug =D Thank you for linking up to the "Amaze Me Monday" blog party! Hope to see you next week.

  3. What great finds and combined they look great. Thanks for joining my party.

  4. I just realized that you and I used to comment on each others spaces on rate my space. I just recognized the watermelon tank! So glad to see you blogging! I was luv2accessorize.

  5. Oh, this is darling. You did such a great job!
    Love it.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Terry, I love this~! at any price but especially because you did it for such a bargain..
    Kudos for seeing what things Could Be rather than just what they were.. It looks Beautiful.

    Holiday Hugs

  7. What great finds! Around here thrift store prices rival the retail stores! I never find deals like this.

    A Merry Christmas to you!

  8. Fantastic finds Terry! Loving that bottlebrush tree in the boot! Thanks for sharing at my party!

  9. You are so creative. It looks great and the price was fantastic. I love to thrift too... love the hunt, lol

    Merry Christmas to you and your, Annette


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