
Church Pew Renewed

How many days in the week? 7
How many blog posts did I post this week? 8
It's kind of like when I lived in Tulsa for 10 years. I moved 10 times and 2 of the houses I lived in for three years each! Go figure.
I need to slow this blog train down...but I have so much to share!

It's funny how checking out a favorite blog by someone else, will trigger a memory of a past project. Plus, I want to link up to Funky Junk Interiors party on benches with this post.
I was asked to paint a 9 foot church pew for a client. He had received this pew from an old abandoned church that had a family connection. He was very specific in what he wanted. First the pew arrived to me looking like this.
It was very primitive from the late 1800's. The backside was all carved up with graffiti and he wanted that left untouched. On the front back, he wanted me to paint the church this pew came out of. On the other end he wanted me to paint the cemetery named after his family that is located next to the church. He provided me with black and white photos to paint from.
In the center of the back, he wanted the name he was known by as a young boy and the name of the ball team that he used to coach.
I did all this in my garage since the bench was so long. I painted it all free hand and then coated it with exterior varnish because he was going to put it outside on his covered deck!  Here is the picture of the pew on his deck overlooking a small lake.
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Strut Your Stuff @ The Saturday Morning Blog
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different, Act Normal 
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn


  1. MY TERRY that is fabulous. The porch swing I have on my post was a request at 8ft, so I know what you had to deal with regarding the shear size also. The hand painted pictures are so lovely.
    Kristy @ 4 the love of WOOD

  2. Lovely job. I too posted a bench at Funky Junk. Mine had a winter farm scene. I have to draw out the pattern first, I am not up to free hand yet. One day...

  3. Thank you for visiting BeColorful. I am mad for your kitchen. Actually your entire home looks stunning. I see that you also do a lot of painted pieces. So I had to peek around. The MacKenzie Child's Inspirations - especially the ottoman and teapot were genius. I am so intrigued, though, by the propane tank. Is there a post about it? So glad I came to introduce myself. I am your newest follower.

  4. I love those old church pews. You did a great job painting it. Looks so nice on his deck.

  5. Terry this looks beautiful...as usual! great job

  6. Hi, Terry! I just love old church pews and this one you re-painted is just beautiful. Such a beautiful keepsake and so useful, too.

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  7. Looks great on your porch!

    blog designer

  8. You are SO talented! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment last week on my "outhouse" post. Loved having you drop in again. Have a great week! Sandi

  9. He must have been thrilled because it looks FABULOUS!


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