
Watermelon Propane Tank

Many people have questioned me about the Watermelon Propane Tank that is on my right sidebar. Yes, I painted it, AND here's the story about my propane tank.

We live in a housing addition that is Geo-Thermal. Cheap green living that is all electric. So the builder of this subdivision did not put in gas lines.  Well, we all have gas fireplaces therefore we all need gas. Instead of running gas lines, we all have to have propane tanks sort of hidden close by our fireplace.

We were paying rent for a tank via the previous owners and decided that it would be cheaper to pay a lump sum up front since we plan on living here 20 years. So I called the propane company and they said that I could buy used or new. Used ones were $250 and new ones were $500. Of course, I said used. However, I didn't know they were going to bring me one that looked like this...(This is not the actual before picture, since I didn't take a before picture...ooops).
I said to the guys, "Couldn't you find me one with more rust on it?" They knew that I wasn't pleased so they said, "Well, we can paint it silver."  I knew then that I had a challenge on my hands.
In the meantime, my church asked me if I would host a garden party of 85 women! "Yes", I said, knowing I had that ugly propane tank in my beautiful yard!  I knew then that there was no stopping me with fixing up this tank.
After looking at it and debating on how to paint it, because nothing I paint is 'normal'.  I decided that I would paint it to look like a watermelon and the cap would be painted to look like a lady bug. Here is my finished project.
Now the little neighborhood kids come over to pet the ladybug and say "Hi".
An exterior varnish was used to preserve the paint job. I did not paint the base and you can see how rusty it is. I still need to do something about that.
Ladybug antlers were made by using wire clothes hangers and wood beads painted black.

NOTE: You should be able to click on most of the pictures to enlarge to see further details.
These parties I love to link up to or check out my Blog Parties tab
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps On The Porch
Make It For Monday @ Cottage Instincts
Motivate Me Monday @ Keeping It Simple
Just Something I Whipped Up @ The Girl Creative
Making The World Cuter @ Making The World Cuter
Amaze Me Monday @ Dittle Dattle Twice Owned Tuesday @ House Of Grace
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Power Of Paint @ Domestically Speaking
White Wednesday @ Faded Charm
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Piece of Work Wednesday @  Primitive & Proper
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Strut Your Stuff Thursday @ Somewhat Simple
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
100 Ideas Under $100 @ Beyond The Picket Fence
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed
Frugal Friday @ Shabby Nest
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Strut Your Stuff @ The Saturday Morning Blog
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different, Act Normal 
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn
Motivated Monday @ Be Colorful
Before & After party @ Thrifty Decor Chick 
DIY Showoff
Every Room In The House @ A Joyful Cottage


  1. I love it!! I have a really big propane tank that sits like a huge white blob in my yard... Thanks for getting my wheels turning on what to do with it! Great job!!

  2. This is adorable!! I love your creativity :)

  3. This is just too clever and cute for words. I don't know how some of you think of these things.

  4. This is just the cutest thing ever! What a clever idea.

  5. I LOVE IT!! You turned a plain propane tank into something so pretty to look at. Martina

  6. I had a problem with my linky party code. I thought it was set up as a thumbnail party but it wasn't. It's all fixed now but can you add your link again? I''m so sorry for the inconvenience. :( xoxo

  7. I love it! That is better than any kind of fence or cover.

  8. Just love it. wish I could do something creative to mine but it is a rented tank.

  9. Oh yay. I'm so glad you wrote about this. I just thought it was so fun. Would be flattered it you would share it on Motivated Monday at BeColorful.

  10. Are you kidding me? This is the cutest and most creative idea evah!!!! Love it! Now I wish I had a ugly propane tank somewhere in my backyard! :)

  11. Such a clever idea! Cute, too. We have a big ol' propane tank that is just drying out for a paint job like this. Thanks for the idea!

  12. Ok, now this is just fabulous!!! This has got to be the most creative work I have seen today- totally out of the box. LOVE it!

    (found & now following you through The Girl Creative's Just Something I Whipped Up link party)

  13. Very clever! It's not an eye-sore anymore. Great job!
    Susan : )

  14. OMW....too cute...so clever!! Need you at my house for a few days just to pick your brain for cute ideas!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Cute!
    It is almost enough to make me want to get a propane tank...
    almost :-)

  16. OMG, that is hilarious! Really cute.

  17. That is HILARIOUS! I love it! Love, Me

  18. What a FANTASTIC idea! Found you via Good Life Wednesday at A Beach Cottage.

  19. Seriously - how clever! I LOVE it. I saw it in the thumbnails on power of paint party and had to click on this link! Please link up with my Saturday party - Saturday Spotlight - greendoordesigns.blogspot.com

  20. This is a fantastic idea! I love it!

  21. Terri, I remember this from RMS. It is so cute! Thanks for linking to WUW again.

  22. This is too cute! What a clever idea.

  23. I love this! It's now probably the focal point instead of an eye-sore.

  24. Too darn cute. I always wanted to paint our oil tank (in the basement) like a cow and now you've given me reason to definitely do it.

  25. Very cute! This might be my favorite post from Show & Tell Friday!

  26. Amazing! You turned a "lemon" into a watermelon!

  27. That's wonderful! It's great to know there are creative solutions to pretty much everything! :)

  28. OMG how cute it that! Who would have ever thought you could change something that everyone is just use to trying to hide. Great job! You are my favorite post from Under the Table Sleeping (besides mine :) Just kidding)

    Come by and see my "One month, $0 budget" Challenge. http://fullofgreatideas.blogspot.com

  29. That is the cutest, most clever thing I have seen in a long time! We have been contemplating what to do with our larger-than-life tank that is in the back yard behind the lilac bushes. You've got my wheels spinning1

  30. That is just amazing!! What a great idea! You've got me thinking now - what could I paint my ugly hot water tank to look like.....Thanks for the inspiration!
    I would love if you came over and linked this project to my weekly Round Tuit party at:
    Have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  31. I LOVE your propane tank so much I wish I had one in my yard to paint! LOL Growing up on a farm, we had one bigger than yours in our yard. I used to "ride" on it and pretend it was a horse. I bet it never occured to my parents to paint it! I'm dying to know, though. What was the reaction you got the first time the propane company came out to fill it?! - Karen

  32. This is amazing! Wonderful idea. Congratulations on the feature :)

  33. I don't know how I missed this one. OMG, it is just too cute and creative! The watermelon looks so realistic, nice job!

  34. So awesome! I love this so much! I have to send this to my mom, she will love it too!

  35. If that isn't the cutest thing ever, I don't know what is! You did an amazing job on it. What talent and imagination!

    BTW, as of right *now*, I'm your newest follower!



  36. Terry, This is SO cute! I hope it is okay with you that i featured it on my newest blog INSPIRATIONS.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

    This is the address for the new blog. (http://cactusflowerdesigns.blogspot.com/)

  37. Hi!
    I just found your blog and was looking thru some of your older posts and saw this. OMG. This is ingenious! I love it. It's making me think about what I could do with a smaller propane tank for our grill!

  38. This is so adorable!!:) I'm trying to find a scooter helmet I can buy that looks like a watermelon, but the only one I found is over $200 in the UK! I'm thinking of just painting an old one, and this gave me some inspiration and encouragement.


  39. does anyone know if they make stencil for out door propane tanks?

  40. Not that I know of specifically for propane tanks, but there are all kinds of stencils out on the market.

  41. Terry, how awesome is this whimsical tank - so creative. I had a chuckle when you wrote that the kids in the neighborhood come to pet it - too dang cute!
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  42. This just tickles me to death, Terry. You are so clever. Thanks for sharing at Every Room In The House. I'll be featuring this tomorrow when the August party kicks off. Blessings ~ Nancy @ A Joyful Cottage.


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