
A Sweet Yellow Dresser Story

This is the story of my daughter, Lisa (she is 20 now) and her favorite number growing up. When we would ask her how many stars were in the sky, her answer was 152! Ask her any question with a number answer and her answer would always be...152. Why? We never knew. It was just her number.

On another note, I always felt that I should teach her the three things that my mom taught me before I left home...how to cook deliciously, clean spotless and sew perfectly.  These lessons have served me well though my adult life. So I taught her all of these.  I also wanted to teach her how to be independent and be able to have nice things by taking junk and turning it into a treasure.  A lot of my home is from garage sales, tag sales, thrift store buys and fixing other peoples junk up for myself and others.

One day, Lisa and I were at a thrift store and happened upon a very tired and dated dresser. I knew the lines were wonderful and when I opened the middle drawer I saw this...
Wow! It's a Drexel
Yes, Drexel, this is a very well made dresser and an expensive furniture company. (Sorry, this was before blogging and I didn't take a before picture).  So just imagine a worn, wood toned dresser with federal style hardware. So then we opened the top drawer but it would only open half way. Very curious! There was some hardware that I pushed and this is what happened...
Original green paint on the desk organizer.
Oh my goodness, the top drawer became a desk!  Then we looked at the price...you got it...it was $152!
I knew that this dresser was meant for Lisa and a lesson that I could teach her.

You see, she didn't need a dresser because her room had a built-in dresser (it is now our exercise room since she has moved out, you can see that post here). But I knew that her years living at home were limited and that when she moved out she would need a dresser. So I made a deal with her. This dresser could NOT come into the house until she painted it her way with me teaching her how, every step of the way...and since she tends to be a procrastinator, I also told her that I would only buy it if she worked on it and finished it that very week.  She agreed. Then I knew I had to make a deal with the thrift store.  I asked if they would take $100 and they said yes right away.  The rest is history. Lisa picked yellow and wanted to distress it. We purchased vintage hardware on eBay. Lisa has moved out, but her dresser is still here until she can get a bigger apartment to make room for it.
My daughter painted the dresser AND the wall.
NOTE: You should be able to click on most of the pictures to enlarge to see further details.
These parties I love to link up to or check out my Blog Parties tab
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps On The Porch
Make It For Monday @ Cottage Instincts
Motivate Me Monday @ Keeping It Simple
Just Something I Whipped Up @ The Girl Creative
Making The World Cuter @ Making The World Cuter
Twice Owned Tuesday @ House Of Grace
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Power Of Paint @ Domestically Speaking
White Wednesday @ Faded Charm
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Piece of Work Wednesday @  Primitive & Proper
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Strut Your Stuff Thursday @ Somewhat Simple
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
100 Ideas Under $100 @ Beyond The Picket Fence
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed
Frugal Friday @ Shabby Nest
Remodelaholic Friday @ Remodelaholic 
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground 
Creative Girls Blog Hop Friday @ The Girl Creative
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Strut Your Stuff @ The Saturday Morning Blog
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn
Anything goes party @ Type A
ReStored It Wednesday 
Before & After party @ Thrifty Decor Chick


  1. love it, if you want to share this at my party, it's still up! great job. http://typeadecorating.blogspot.com/2011/03/anything-goes-party-7.html

  2. How cute is that! I like the fold-down desk. What a nice piece!

    Ricki Jill

  3. that dresser is beautiful. great job. love the color and the cubbies inside

  4. Love this kind of story (and the dresser)! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Terry this is a great post - I loved reading it BUT the coincidentally funny part is the NEXT blog I read in my reader was from www.stamping411.com

    Her blog post today is: COLOR INSPIRATION #152

    How funny is that!

  6. Wow, it's just the cutest desk ever and what a sweet story!


  7. WOW, what a wonderful desk/dresser and an even more wonderful story behind its purchase. This is something your daughter will treasure for many years to come, the dresser and the mom who taught her so well!

    Thank you for stopping by the The Hut and leaving such sweet comments.

    btw, I also love the way your daughter painted her wall.

  8. I love it in yellow. It turned out great!

  9. I love the dresser and the beautiful wall ! That is quite a find . You did a great job.


  10. Such a neat and unique piece. I'm a sucker for yellow and love the green contrast...After reading the post this is quite a treasure :)

  11. What a beautiful dresser! I love the color she picked!

  12. Love this treasure and the sweet story you have shared with us!! I feel lucky that my daughter appreciates vintage too. She is not much into the "how to" of anything but at 21 and soon to be building a nest of her own I am sure she'll be looking to learn quickly!

  13. Hi Terry.
    I just found your blog! I love the transformation of the desk/dresser. What a great find. I also love that your daughter painted it! Looking forward to reading your future posts. If you have a chance, I would be honored if you would check out my blog too.

  14. I never seem to find these kinds of pieces! But this is gorgeous, and I love the yellow. Great job!

  15. This is green design at its finest!

    I am having an antique auction on my blog. All sorts of lovely and romantic finds looking for a new home. I hope you'll stop by.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. thx for stopping by! Yes, you might say my old kitchen did look good before, but I couldn't get my pans in and out of the cabinets. Changing them up has made my life so much better and easier! It's all good now!

  17. I've been thinking of painting a dresser yellow. Yours looks beautiful.


  18. Great dresser and great story. The floral wall is amazing!!!


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