
Switching It Up!

Switching It Up!...That's the beauty of seasonal decorating. And I get bored easily.

From this:
To This:
From This:
To This:
Reflection of chandelier and ceiling wreath in mirror
Some of our corbel collection

And This In The Study...
Family photos & clock

NOTE: You should be able to click on most of the pictures to enlarge to see further details.
These parties I love to link up to or check out my Blog Parties tab
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps On The Porch
Make It For Monday @ Cottage Instincts
Motivate Me Monday @ Keeping It Simple
Just Something I Whipped Up @ The Girl Creative
Making The World Cuter @ Making The World Cuter
Amaze Me Monday @ Dittle Dattle 
Twice Owned Tuesday @ House Of Grace
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Power Of Paint @ Domestically Speaking
Swing Into Spring Wednesday @ DIY by Design
White Wednesday @ Faded Charm
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Piece of Work Wednesday @  Primitive & Proper

Whassup Wednesday @ Elements Interiors
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage

Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Strut Your Stuff Thursday @ Somewhat Simple
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
100 Ideas Under $100 @ Beyond The Picket Fence
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Remodelaholic Friday @ Remodelaholic
Frugal Friday @ Shabby Nest
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Strut Your Stuff @ The Saturday Morning Blog
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different, Act Normal 
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn


  1. Very pretty Terry as everything you do in your home..Love the Corbels collection..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  2. Beautiful Terry! You have so many pretty things. Martina

  3. those are a lot of links!
    i also love your corbels and the rose pillow!

  4. Pretty! Love the corbels. Wish you'd just hop on over here and change my stuff up! Happy Spring!

  5. Love how the mirror reflects your pretty chandelier and ceiling! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I have Corbel envy!!! those are so hard to find! especially matching ones! xoox

  7. You have a beautiful home love those high ceilings, dee ;-)

  8. So pretty & sweet, Terry! When I was a display designer, I was constantly changing displays. I loved it, but I fear it spoiled me in my own home. I need to get back into it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. LOVE THIS! Come on ova' and link up to my Linky Party! xoxokara


    MY, you are quite the Party Goer! LOL! I have ANUTHA for ya! Love this post!

  10. LOVE all those "cool" corbels!!!


  11. Guess what?! You made the finals for Best of March at Saturday Mornings! Congrats! Here is the link to the announcement post!


  12. Hi Terry, I am in love with your corbels!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful vignettes at my new party. Hope you will join again next week.

  13. Your spring decorating is so lovely, I'm really loving your garland around the chandelier! The corbels on the mantle are just gorgeous, thanks so much for sharing and linking up with VIF!

  14. Hi Terry~ What a beautiful mantle with those fantastic corbels!! Gorgeous!! I love seeing that stencil on your ceiling in the mirror too- such a neat touch! You know you are always welcome to come share your gorgeous rooms over at Feathered Nest Friday too~ been missing your inspirations lately! :) Have a great weekend! Courtney

  15. Im in LOVE with your corbels! And all the Birdie pretties...Im READY for Spring! You just got a new Follower!

    Thank you for linking this up to my Whassup Wednesday! I hope to see you this Wednesday too!

    I would love to have you Follow me :)


It makes me smile to hear from you!