
A Pillar Story

We have a saying in our house, "If one is good then Moore is better."  Why?, because Moore is our last name and it seems that this trait runs in the family.

I have dreamed of having a column on each side of my fireplace in the living room. Then one day, while at a garage sale, we came across five columns that had come off a historic homes front porch and some given to this guy by friends. They were various sizes and in various conditions of decay, but they were a great price! Long story short, we purchased them all.

I striped and sanded and restored the largest two and hubby made new bases for them to stand on. They turned out beautiful and grace my living room as desired. They were a ton of work to get to this point but with my 10 foot ceilings, they look fabulous!

There was one more pillar in the bunch that matched these but I was not up for more stripping and sanding, so I told hubby to sell that one. In true Moore tradition, he wanted to keep it, so it was placed in the garden with a weather vane on top and looks great there as well.
The only short one graces my master bathroom and I love it there. Hubby had to build a top and base for it too.
The last one I left shabby chic after hubby made a base for it and just placed it in my dining room.
I then ran across a totally solid wood column at another garage sale and purchased it. Our other columns are made of rounded wood and hollow core, but this one was solid all the way through. Hubby made a top and bottom for it and I placed it in our study.
Are you keeping track? That now is five in the house and one outside.  We went on an antiquing jaunt and came across yet another column. Yes, we bought it too, like we needed another one, but then again we are The Moore's. Hubby made a bottom for it and I did my painting and light distressing on it and it was placed in the basement media room.
So, the final total is SEVEN vintage columns! But that is not the end of this story! I will tell you the rest of the Pillar story in a couple of days...Bet you can't wait! I guarantee it's awesome!

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So Darn Crafty Party @ Sew Many Ways
Sunday's Best Wrap Up Party @ My 1929 Charmer


  1. It's always nice to repurpose things. Looks good.

  2. I so enjoyed getting to see your columns in person, Terry and hope to find some myself too, although I have much shorter ceilings than yours. Your home is just beautiful!


  3. I love architectural elements. Goodness, Terry...your master bath is simply stunning! Great finds, and the columns add architectural interest in your home.

  4. Hi Terry! I would never have thought of this and the columns look wonderful in your living room. This is cheesy, but will you string little Christmas lights around them during the holidays? I'll bet it would be pretty!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Terry I love columns and you hit the jackpot on these!! They look beautiful displayed in your home!

  6. I have always loved them. They look fabulous in your home.....maybe some day I will run upon one!!

  7. They are beautiful and very elegant.

  8. I love all your pillars! You know that if you wanted just one you wouldn't find it.

  9. I guess Moore is better!! Love these, but what really caught my eye is you lovely ceiling in your library!

  10. I love how you've used them! The ones gracing the fireplace are gorgeous! Of course I love the one in the garden too. You really have a great eye for putting them in the right places. Well done!


  11. I love your pillars! I want some really big ones too!
    I decorated with a 1/2 pillar ... topped with a rusty bucket and a plant.

  12. I love what you did with your pillars, they all look great! I have 2 I'm going to use, so thanks for the inspiration! Your gardens are Beautiful (so is your house) I need to stop back when I have more time to explore. Have a great day!

  13. It's already awesome! Unfortunately I cannot find such in Turkey, anyway they are really expensive here. I'll be looking for these from now on, they look great:))

  14. All seven look great. Love your bathroom, I am actually looking at the tub for our house. Why is it you can looks for something forever, and once you find it, you keep finding it?! So funny!

  15. I love all seven of your columns, you have used then all in such fabulous ways.Looks great.

  16. Love all 7 of them and how you have placed them, and the character they add to the space. Great ideas here! Nice your hubby is so handy to make all those bases and tops as well. Amazing how many you have found in such a short period of time.
    Enjoy your new look, it's fabulous especially the ones by the fireplace in the livingroom.

  17. Those are a great find Terry and love what you did with them.

  18. They look wonderful!
    Choose life, Deuteronomy 30:19

  19. I really love love love your home!!! The columns look amazing as well. Stopping by from the creative hop. Hope you could stop by and follow me back. Thanks http://tootsabellarose.blogspot.com/2012/05/rapunzel-room-update.html

  20. what a great way to repurpose and add interest!

  21. Great look with the columns. I especially like the ones in your living room. I'm happy to be your newest follower.

  22. I love columns and trim work around corners to create columns in my home....Your columns are beautiful in every room...love the bathroom column and I believe I have the same slipper tub!!! Have a great day!

  23. I have "column" envy. I do not have the space for a column, but have always loved the look. Yours are amazing!

  24. I have never thought of using pillars to decorate, but they look so elegant in your home!


  25. We have 2 pillars that are waiting to be used in our home too... Thanks for getting my wheels turning!

  26. lol! How fun, Terry! I adore the way you used and styled each of the pillars! My fav is the one in your bathroom - next to the tub.....like mine! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  27. Love it! Your story cracks me up. And it makes me remember back when I wanted some columns -- but I never did make a score like you did. They are beautiful! I think I like the one in the bath the best. Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  28. My favorite is by your tub!!! Love it! XO, Aimee

  29. Hi Terry! You have such a beautiful home, inside and out...love all the columns..looks like you and hubby keep each other busy!?! Thanks for sharing this at Sunday Blog Love!

  30. Cant wait to see what you link up later today on Serenity Saturday

    Natasha xxx

  31. I love all of them Terry! So glad you found happy homes for them. My favorites are in the bathroom and the garden. Do they ever topple over?

  32. Terry, I would love to have just one...so far everyone I find is too expensive. I love all of yours and especially the one with your beautiful tub. Thanks for joining the Open House party.

  33. I love the columns! Now I want to hunt one down for my garden. :)

  34. Do you happen to know the paint color in your living room? I love that shade of green.


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