
The Rest Of The Story...on our Pillars!

As you may have read my previous, The Pillar Story...if not you can go HERE.

We have SEVEN vintage columns and enjoy every one of them.

That was until our Kansas trip!

My grown son lives in Kansas and we go out yearly for a visit. He knows our taste and surprised us with this...
Yes, four more, truly awesome pillars on stand bases, capitals and with globes!

My son and me at my sister's winery in Oklahoma (Me, 53; Charlie, 30)
You see, my son belongs to the Mason's and because he lives in a tiny town, they had to close the Masonic Hall down. These columns were given to him as a clean up to be able to sell the building. I just can't describe our joy at seeing these and for me, to know in my minds eye how they would look in my home. But don't let the paint color scare you. I was not about to leave them "as is".

We were able to take them apart (they screw together with wooden pegs), clean them up a bit from years of dust and frankly a moldy smell...
And pack them in our CRV...along with our other antique purchases.

Upon arriving home, I made it my #1 goal to get these pillars cleaned up and refurbished so they could come into our home. With the taller ones, I didn't like the Masonic symbols on the bases, so I took them off and painted the columns white with some distressing. I also didn't want to use the globes on top, so I removed them to use just as decor elsewhere.  I also am a fan of MacKenzie Childs painting, so I added black and white check on the capitals just to add whimsy. I figured I could always change it to white if I tired of it.
Their final positioning in our home is between the foyer and our study doorway. Hubby says that he will add to the bases to raise up the columns to touch the molding of the doorway at a later date. They certainly give a great presence to the space.
Look, you can see another column in the background!
The shorter two pillars would be perfect for our basement media room. We actually sold the one column that was down there to a friend that wanted one for her home. I really liked the history and detail of the Masonic symbol on this set, so I left it on. Hubby and I also loved the patina of the globes and he wanted them left on for display. I think they look terrific on each side of the fireplace in this room!
These globes have a wonderful patina, so I didn't touch them with paint. I just cleaned them and left well enough alone. They are heavy and seem to be made of wood. One globe has moon, stars and even a shooting star, and the other one has painted land masses on it. I find them very interesting.

If you are very alert to detail, you would have noticed that I switched the globes from the tall columns to the shorter ones. That is because, with the varying height of the basement ceiling, we needed to not only use the shorter columns, but wanted to display these special globes on top. Thank goodness they were interchangeable, even though my son said that each set came from a different Masonic Hall in a different town.

As for the other globes, one of them I left in Kansas to discard because it was too damaged for me to repair. It seemed like it was filled with plaster-of-paris with a paper layer over it.  I did keep the other more awesome globe with what looks like constellations over the globe surface.

Okay, If you were keeping track, we originally had six pillars in the house and one outside. We brought four more home and sold one, so we now have a total of 10 pillars!!! I think we should stop collecting these, don't you?
Before and Afters

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So Darn Crafty Party @ Sew Many Ways
Sunday's Best Wrap Up Party @ My 1929 Charmer


  1. Are you a happy mother of what? That was sweet of your son to immediately think of you and save those pillars. Alas, my house is too tiny for any of those but I'll continue to live vicariously through you.

  2. Wow...these are fabulous. Funny thing is that I have never seen pillars at thrift stores, auctions, or anywhere for sale - and you have so many!! And you know I love the ones with checks!!

  3. Oh, my goodness! 10 pillars! If anyone would know what to do with pillars it would be you! I love those on each side of the entry to your living room. The globes are fascinating too. Lucky, lucky you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Terry! Awesome haul! I love them white and the globes on top are great! You are sooo lucky to find those!

  5. Wow....you have fantastic pillars....I would love just one sometime....I have a place all picked out!

  6. You lucky girl! I love what you've done with your pillars.

  7. You did a great job!! Love the paint jobs on the columns...

  8. I love how the ones in the foyer frame and give importance to your study. You're very lucky to have a son who remembers to pick these things up for you. You did a great makeover on all of them.

  9. I love pillars and you are very fortunate to have so many. They're just so versatile. Kudos to your son for thinking of you! Love the way you've put them to good use!

  10. Great use of these old pillars. Its so nice to see someone that appreciates the beauty in disgarded items. Wonderful!

    1. I do love to recycle discarded items for sure and these pillars would have ended up in the burn pile I am told. Thanks for stopping by. Terry

  11. Pillars really make a decorating statement.

  12. That was so sweet of your son to get those for you !

  13. Lucky you to have such a thoughtful son!! I have been on the lookout for pillars or carved posts and I would be peeing all over myself to get even just ONE of these!! -sorry about the graphic description - ;)

  14. Love them! :) I don't think you can have enough pillars, frankly. ;)

  15. Um, your son rocks! Those are stunning and so unique! Thanks so much for sharing at Cowgirl Up! Hope you will join us again next week!
    Amanda @ The Ivy Cottage Blog

  16. they look great! love how they frame the fireplace!

  17. Wow! What a son! And you really know how to attract your hearts desire to you --10 Pillars!!!?! That's amazing. They look great. Love those globes, too. Perfect inthe shorter columns.
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  18. Thanks for linking up to Serenity Saturday

    Natasha xx

  19. I Love pillars and columns. They are so pretty to me. You did a great jobe with yours.

    Saw you on Romantic Home.

  20. I'm drooling over those pillards!! These colums are great, awesome to keep all four of them and the places you chose for them are fabulous! I specially love the one by the living room. Yes, hubby is right, they will look amazing touching the ceiling. Enjoy your weekend.

  21. Hi Terry! Say I had to make sure to let you know that your link was the most viewed from last weekend and will be featured! Also..I had to do a double look at the picture of you and your son...you must of been a young mom because I can't believe you have a son all grown up!

  22. Wow, those are the best yet! And the globes are amazing! I have a feeling you're not finished yet!

  23. How awesome! Love the globes on them. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  24. The pillars are yours to do with as you will, but you have taken artifacts that have a serious significance to Freemasons everywhere, and turned them into a household decoration. To my way of thinking, it would be akin to finding a piece of extremely valuable art (an icon of Jesus from the 1800s) and then using spray paint to cover up the "defects" you perceived it. And yes, this did happen not long ago in Spain. And as they say in Spain, Cada loco con su tema... In a word, disturbing.

    1. Okay, let me be clear, these pillars were going to be BURNED, so would you rather that happen than me saving them for today's use? Burned because noone else cared about them. Yes I cleaned and painted them. I did take off the Mason symbols on one set but I have kept all of the globes and display them in my home.


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