
I WON a world map mural!

I won a world map wall mural from Stuff and Nonsense and was able to gift it to my daughter for her first home. Actually, it came from Wallpapered.com in London and there was a $60 shipping charge that the original winner didn't want to pay. So she offered it to me, the second winner! I put it up today on the wall behind my daughter Lisa's sofa and I think it looks great!

You may see some of the areas where it is still wet from the wallpaper paste. I didn't want to wait for it to dry before taking these pictures!
Don't be too critical of her space since this is just garage sale furniture that I found for her and it's her first real home (she is 21 yrs old)! Shhh, don't tell her but I am making more pillows for Lisa to add more color to her room!
First, I measured off the area and after we decided that we liked this location, I applied wallpaper primer to the wall. Some people call is sizing, but it is critical for two reasons, the ease of putting up the wallpaper and the ease of being able to take it off the wall when you don't want it anymore. After that was dry (about 20 minutes), I applied the paste and the five sheets of wallpaper that consists of this map.

The wallpaper is not like any I have felt before. Remember this came from London and feels more like soft parchment paper. It was very easy to hang, but then I have been hanging wallpaper since 1977!

I want to thank Stuff and Nonsense for her giveaway! Go ahead, check her blog out...I love it!



  1. Wow - if only my first place looked like that!!!


  2. Very nice map. Nice mom for giving it to your daughter and helping her hang it!

  3. i love
    how it all turned out

    that map
    looks amazing
    as a focal point
    on the wall

    and thanks for sharing!


  4. It looks lovely! We used my dad's old nautical maps to cover our entry way ceiling. Maps are timeless ; o )

  5. I have a large school map (on vinyl) and I still can't decide what to do with it...The US map I have hanging in my garage, but the world map I want to hang in my house somewhere...Love yours and I am sure your daughter will enjoy it


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