
Extending the Fireplace!

I wanted to figure out a cheap way to extend my fireplace...

To make it look like it extends all the way from the ceiling to the floor.

To do this was easy...

Even though I had to correct a mistake that I made!

The original fireplace in our living room is huge. I can stand under the mantel at 5 foot tall!

First, I began by taping off the wall at the edge of the mantel and cut in the white semi-gloss trim paint.

As soon as I stepped away, I saw my mistake. I ran to the computer and looked at Houzz.com to see if my instincts were correct. Yep, I should have measured in and the white paint should only be even with the part that is under the mantel, not the edge of the mantel.
You can see here in this picture that I had fixed the mistake by visually moving in the white and repainting my mistake with wall color paint. By the way, I have be asked countless times what my living room wall color is. It's called Heath by Sherwin Williams. Part of the day it looks green and then goes to khaki. I love how easy this color is to live with and how good anything looks against it.
I then purchased a decorative wood trim piece and placed it on the edge of the new white paint to help with the transition of the change in color.
I like how fresh it looks now. I was still not sure if I LOVED it, but when I put the before and after together, I knew that I liked this new look.

Maybe one of these days I will have my young-and-cute-handy-dandy-handyman over and see if he will dress it up a bit more with moldings and such!

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  1. It really extends the look of the fireplace terry. Gives it more presence. Looks wonderful.
    Cheers, Gee

  2. I just found your great blog today & was thrilled to see this post because it is exactly what I have been thinking of doing to my fireplace. You have great high ceilings and by extending the white paint up to the ceiling line it has gained height, presence & better proportion to the size of the fireplace. I am cursed with a low ceiling and I thought this look might give the ceiling the illusion of being higher than it really is. I have been looking at mouldings and have considered doing a paneled look because I have 6 prints that I would like to hang above the fireplace. I would make 2 rows of three squares of per row using 3" MDF and place narrow profile molding as trim on the inner & outter sides of the plain MDF. I compare it to looking like and old window with 6 mullioned panes with my art prints centered in each window pane. I think the look is called Judges Paneling. Thank you for allowing me to see a very similar project that has given me the courage to do my own project. Once you add some bolder moulding to your wall I think you will be even more pleased with what you have accomplished.

    1. My hubby said the same thing last night. I told him to knock himself out and put up some moldings on each side of the mirror. Thanks for your wonderful comment and good luck with your idea on your own fireplace.

  3. Looks amazing! I'm happy to find you. I'm a new follower. You have a beautiful blog!

  4. Love the new look, it really makes a great change, much more finished looking. great job!

  5. It looks gorgeous, Terry! Great job - the entire fireplace area really makes a statement. Love the paint color on your walls, too!



  6. Love the new look! It makes the ceiling look higher, and makes a big statement, Great Job!!

  7. Wow, small effort and HUGE payoff! This gives the fireplace so much more presence and elegance - well done!!! Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven to say hi.

  8. I REALLY like this! I may have to do this to my fireplace!! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I'm planning on doing the same thing to my fireplace. It's nice to see the before and after from someone else who has done a similar project.

  10. What an ingenious idea, your creations are so inspirational!! The mantel looks so much more dramatic as a focal point in your home.

  11. Outstanding! What a great idea! It looks awesome!

  12. It sure does make more of a statement Terry. Great idea.

  13. Hi Terry,

    Love the new fireplace. Mine is similar, only much taller ceiling. However I think doing what you did would make it look so much better, and give it more character. There is so much I need to do in this new home. I don't even know where to start. I was so excited to move in my new home last summer, but it's been a bit over whelming trying to decorate anything, there is so much to do!

    Your blog is lovely, and I really hope to check out some of your other projects. Everything looks amazing so far.

    Glad I stopped by today :)

    Have a wonderful day, and stop by anytime to say hello if you can.

    P.s. After coming back from an extended blogging break, I've started a 40 day challenge to get HEALTHY by my birthday. If you get a chance to check it out, I could sure use the support!
    Hugs, Bella :)
    Bella's 40 Day Challenge

  14. Wow, it has so much more presence now! Paint is a powerful tool.

  15. Except for the little "oops," this is one of those simple changes with such great impact, Terry! It makes your ceilings look higher, too!

  16. Creative idea! Like Joselyn says, it gives the FP more presence.
    I hope you'll drop by to see My Daughter's Master Bath Redo - #83 at Met Monday.


  17. Absolutely beautiful. I host a DIY link party every Monday and would love for you to join! http://homecomingmn.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-diyers-link-party.html

  18. Looks lovely! The fireplace looks much grander and regal now. Thanks for sharing this fun DIY at Silver Pennies Sundays! x

  19. That really made a huge impact! Great makeover! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  20. What a great idea! I love how you added the molding. It makes it look totally professional. Had to give you a feature! Have a great night!

  21. It looks so good and really does make the ceilings look higher than before. Thanks also for sharing your initial mistake, so we all avoid that! Great post!

    I have a weekend Link party if you'd care to join:


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