
Map + Deer = Wall Art

My brain is in creative mode most all the time. And I wanted to make something unusual for my grown son, who lives in Kansas and is a hunter.

First, I came across a 1965 map of Kansas. You know the kind that your parents kept in their glovebox and they could pick up at gas stations! I knew I could do something with it for his new farmhouse.
I painted a deer head silhouette on the left side because I wanted to keep the middle area open to view the cities (he lives in the south central portion of the state). I felt it was visually a bit heavy on that one side, so I painted his initials on the right side to help balance it. I used black acrylic paint.

As luck would have it, I found a blue gray toned frame at Hobby Lobby on clearance that was just an inch smaller than needed. No problem, I just cut away an inch on the map that just happened to be an adjoining state!

So unique and we just got back from a Kansas visit and HE loved it.
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Get Your DIY On @ The Hankful House


  1. I love this idea and your blog. Just awesome !!! Thanks for sharing .

  2. Great idea, I'm sure he'll love it! The best gifts are the ones that the giver put a lot of thought into. I also love decorating with maps.(Used to live in Kansas, too) Kathleen

  3. another great idea! Remember when those maps were free? :-)

  4. Oh, brilliat idea! I enjoy maps too!

  5. Awesome, awesome, awesome gift for your son!!! I will be on the look-out for a Georgia Map to do the same thing for our lake house!! Found you through the Boogieboard Cottage link party! I am following now and hope to see more of your posts! Thanks so much!!

    Amanda - www.thesunshinetoker,com

  6. Love how the map deer art turned out. Visiting from @DearCreatives Theresa

  7. Clever and cute idea. I remember Dad always having a map in the glove compartment, as a matter of fact I keep them in mine too. They come in handy when you'll trying to keep in perspective surrounding areas.

  8. So cute! Love the Deer Map! We are featuring your awesome project at Your Designs This Time, live Mondays at 8:00am. Thanks for sharing with us!

    Emily & Erin


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