
Christmas Tree Banner & Stocking

While decorating my main Christmas Tree this year, I chose to go red and natural...

Natural by adding Quail

A twig Star

And I made this cloth banner...

On a trip to Kansas City, we stopped by Nell Hill's, a fabulous decor and furniture store like no other! The prices are great too! I picked up a yard of this fabric...

Not knowing what I was going to do with it, I put it away until today. I decided that I would make a banner for my Christmas Tree with some of it.
I cut stacks of these two designs out of the fabric. Using my pinking roller blade made it go fast. I then used some red stripe twine and used my hot glue gun to connect the banner to the twine. I used painters tape on the tabletop as my measurement guide for spacing.
It's subtle, but so cute...
As I was making the banner, I realized that I could also use it in my decorating for Valentine's Day!
Guess that's called, Killing two birds with one stone!
Also, upon shopping local antique stores, I found an old linen piece that has the Monogram of 'S' and had some great tatting on it. I am partial to monograms, old linens and tatting, so I bought it thinking of my girlfriend Gail because her last name begins with 'S'.
Initially I thought of making a pillow out of it for her but she has a lot of pillows and with this being linen, it wrinkles easily. So using my creative mind, I settled on using some scrap chenille Antique buttons and cute ball trim and turned the old linen into a Christmas stocking representing Gail and her hubby.
My Great-Great Grandmother grew flax and then wove it into linen in Germany. When they came to the US, it was brought along and my Great Grandmother used it to make table cloths and runners. She tatted the edges and this is just something that I grew up having around and came to appreciate as I got older. So when I see these old linens, I think of my heritage. I think of someone else that did the same because that was taught and tradition...

And by making it into something useful for today's living, it keeps the tradition alive in a way.
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Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps On The Porch
Motivate Me Monday @ Keeping It Simple 
Inspire Me Monday @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Masterpiece Monday @ Boogieboard Cottage
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn
Creative Link Inspire @ The Crafty Blog Stalker
Your Designs This Time @ ElizabethJoanDesigns
Inspire Me Monday @ Domestically Speaking
Outside The Box @ BD Design
Project Inspired Linky Party @ Cupcakes and Crinoline
The Makers Link Party @ Upcycled Treasures
The Inspiration Board Link Party @ Homework
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
From Dream to Reality @ The DIY Dreamer
Tweak It Tuesday @ Cozy Little House
The Scoop @ Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Inspire Me Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life 
Tuesdays at Our Home @ Our Home Away From Home 
Awesome Things Tuesday @ Sowdering About
Be Inspired Party @ Elizabeth & Co.
Vintage Inspired Link Party @ Knick of Time
Before & After Wednesday @ The Dedicated House
Fall into Fall Wednesday @ DIY by Design 
Adorned From Above Party @ Adorned From Above
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Work It Wednesday's @ The Happy Housie
What's It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephants

Centerpiece Wednesday @ The Style Sisters 
Wow Me Wednesday @ Ginger Snap Crafts
Link'N Blogs @ Put A Bird On It
Whatever Goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts
Link Party Thursday @ Bloom Designs Online
Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch To Yours 
Project Pin-It @ Glitter Glue and Paint
Create It Thursday @ Lamberts Lately 
Wildly Original Wednesday @ I Gotta Create!
Thrifty Life Thursday @ Revisionary Life
Handmade Hangout @ From Gardners 2 Bergers
Inspiration Gallery Link Party @ The Golden Sycamore
What To Do Weekends @ Crafts A La Mode
Fabulously Creative Linky Party @ Jennifer Rizzo
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed

Frugal Friday @ Shabby Nest
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
Flaunt It Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Creativity Unleashed Link Party @ One Project Closer/The Better Half
Inspire Me Please @ Liz Marie Blog
Freedom Fridays @ My Turn For US 
Shabbilicious Friday Link Party @ Shabby Art Boutique
Junkin Joe @ The Cottage Market
Catch as Catch Can @ My Repurposed Life

G'Day Saturday Link Party @ Natasha In Oz
Any Link Goes Party @ Bacon Time With The Hungry Hungry Hypo 
Weekend WrapUp Party @ Tatertots and Jello 
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different, Act Normal

Weekend Wrap Up Party @ I love Nap Time 
Link It or Lump It Party @ Delineate Your Dwelling 
Share It One More Time @ One More Time Events
That DIY Party @ DIY Show Off
So Darn Crafty Party @ Sew Many Ways
Think Pink Party @ Flamingo Toes
DIY Sunday Showcase Linky Party @ VMG206
Every Room In The House @ A Joyful Cottage


  1. Your banner is adorable and I love what you did with the stocking! What a great gift!

  2. I love your little banner and the fact that it could be used all year in many different ways. That stocking is so sweet and what a great find on the fabric. Thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

  3. I love, love, love that banner, Terry! I'm giving you a shout-out on FB this afternoon. Thanks for sharing it at the BEST of 2014 party at Knick of Time!


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