
Can you say - Salvage Yard?

I really Did It! I got to go to a real salvage place! You know, the kind you see on TV. The kind with all the cool stuff that you want to take home and transform for your home.


I chose RED!

As I was walking the aisles at JoAnn Fabric's I was amazed at all the selection of outdoor fabrics...

In all colors...

In all designs...

A Whole aisle dedicated just to this kind of fabric!

That got me to thinking...

It's time for a change!


Part II - Missouri Botanical Garden!

I hope that you didn't miss my Part I of the Missouri Botanical Gardens, but it you did, you can see them HERE.


Part I - Missouri Botanical Garden!

On the 4th of July we decided to drive the two and a half hours south to St. Louis and go to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. We had been there before but it was at least 11 years prior. Our area had a cool front that came though so the day was beautiful.

Founded in 1859 by Henry Shaw, the botanical garden is the oldest in continuous operation in the US!


She had me at HELLO!



I did not need a dresser, nor did I need another project, but just look at it! How could I pass this up?


Inspired Sign!

I have this blog to, not only show you transformations,

But to INSPIRE you!

Because YOU can do it too!

Recently, I was inspired by Claire at The Rustic Pig with her ironing board Welcome sign.

All I really needed was an old ironing board. So I patiently waited for one to come across my path.

GOD always provides!