
Christmas Kitchen 2011

Views around my kitchen this Christmas season...

My heart sings when I can bring out my hanging wreath every year!
My hand-painted vintage jello mold ornament tree is a favorite.

During the day
At night
All hand painted by me from vintage jello molds.

A mix of vintage with a fun wire screen tree.

NOTE: You should be able to click on most of the pictures to enlarge to see further details.
These parties I love to link up to or check out my Blog Parties tab
Party Time @ It's So Very Cheri
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps On The Porch
Motivate Me Monday @ Keeping It Simple
Creative Blogger's Party @ Homemaker On A Dime
Making The World Cuter @ Making The World Cuter
Amaze Me Monday @ Dittle Dattle  

Knick of Time Tuesday @ Knick of Time
Twice Owned Tuesday @ House Of Grace
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm

Time to Shine Tuesday @ A Diamond in the Stuff 
Tuesday Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
Trash 2 Treasure @ Sassy Sites
Power Of Paint @ Domestically Speaking
Swing Into Spring Wednesday @ DIY by Design
White Wednesday @ Faded Charm

Rock N Share Wednesday @ The Shady Porch
Link Up Wednesday @ Junk in their Trunk
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Piece of Work Wednesday @  Primitive & Proper
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage

Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Strut Your Stuff Thursday @ Somewhat Simple
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Creek Cottage

From Trash To Treasure Thursday @ Alchemy Fine Living
100 Ideas Under $100 @ Beyond The Picket Fence

Blog Stalking Thursday @ The Crafty Blog Stalker
Cottage Flora Thursday @ Fishtail Cottage  
Show & Share @ Southern Lovely
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed

Remodelaholic Friday @ Remodelaholic
Frugal Friday @ Shabby Nest

Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Weekend WrapUp Party @ Tatertots and Jello
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different, Act Normal 

Saturday Show Off @ The Rose Garden in Malevik
Any Link Goes Party @ Bacon Time With The Hungry Hungry Hypo 
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn
Sundae Scoop Weekend Wrap Up Party @ I love Nap Time 
Sunday Blog Love @ Cherished Treasures
Sunday's Best Wrap Up Party @ My 1929 Charmer 
Before and After Party @ Thrifty Decor Chick
What makes you say Mmmm Party @ Things that make you say: "Mmmmmm"


  1. Terry you win in my book.. How creative your little tree is. everything looks amazing. Merry Christmas...

  2. Love your jello mold tree and admire your painting talent immensely!!

  3. Your wreath chandelier is too cool, I am sooo going to do one of those! I have never seen painted jello molds, they are really awesome, what a great collection! Your decorations are so original, I love it!

  4. now that little tree in your window is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen...I absolutely love it..Made me smile..Cheers Frances

  5. These are all so beautiful! I have a craft & recipe linky going on through tonight & would love to have you link up if you have the time!

  6. I just recently gave away two square white planters like those, that were my Mother's. I would have never thought to use them like that. If I had, I wouldn't have given them away!

  7. Hi Terry
    What a Lovley Post :)
    great job :)

    and do not miss...




    It´s Fun :)
    WELCOME :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  8. Your decorations are so unique and interesting! I love the hanging wreath!

  9. Your kitchen is sooo beautiful! The jello mold tree is out of this world...you are very talented.

  10. Featuring on Thursday at Bacon Time. Love your jello mold tree.

  11. Love your jello mold tree. So talented to have painted them all!

  12. I have that same little wire tree. I used Old World vintage ornaments on mine, but I love how you used jello molds on it. That little tree works well for so many things. Isn't it the best?

  13. OMYGOSH, and to think...I never knew that I wanted a vintage jello mold tree. This is beyond adorable...cutest thing I've ever seen. where in the world did you find so many? and, how did you make the "tree" they are hanging on? It surely is a beauty with all your painting. *sigh...drooling here.
    xo bj
    O and since we both like MC and black and white, I think I'd better follow you. :)
    Come by when you can.

  14. I am wondering where you got (or how you made) the tree holding the painted Jello molds (that are adorable).... it is exactly what I have been on the hunt for the last 3 years now!!!

    1. I am sorry to disappoint, but I purchased this wire tree at a garage sale years ago. I have seen it again on other blogs but never in stores or online so maybe it is a discontinued piece. If you look at this years Christmas decor on my blog, I have since spray painted the green wire tree white. I think it looks a lot better holding my hand painted vintage jello molds. I leave it up with hearts added for Valentine's day, so I can enjoy the cuteness of it all longer.


It makes me smile to hear from you!

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