
My "Best Of" 2012

I have selected 10 of my projects that were done in 2012 as my favorites because they are the most  beautiful or beneficial to our home and how we live. In no particular order...
1) New Hobby Garage
This was built by an excellent builder and friend. He put this up in 23 days and it looks like it has always been here connected to our 15 year old house! I use one bay as my space to paint furniture and do projects. Hubby uses his bay for a hobby pick up truck. We even have attic storage so furniture pieces and supplies can be stored out of sight and kept neat. A real dream come true for both of us. You can see more on this project HERE.
2) Mud Room

A by-product of our new garage, this space used to be our tiny workroom (long and skinny). Since the new garage was added and our 'stuff' moved into it, this space became empty. What to do? I decided to make it into a mud room. Very handy! You can see more on this project HERE.
3) Vintage Masonic Columns

These four columns are special because they were a gift from my son. He knew that we loved architectural items with history and interest. These certainly fit the bill, besides, we are known as column hoarders...we own 11 of them now. You can see more on this project HERE.
4) MacKenzie-Childs Style Sconce

Since I am a lover of all things Courtly Check and MacKenzie-Childs, this project was one that makes me smile every time I view it. After all, it IS the coolest sconce ever! You can see more on this project HERE.
5) Guest Bedroom Make-Over

Did it need a make-over? No. But the calmness that I feel in this space now is so serene. And after all, that is how I want my guests to feel in 'their room'. You can see more on this project HERE.
6) My Beautiful Buffet

This piece surprised me as much as it did my readers! Not only did I desire one of these for years, it transformed into such a breathtaking beauty for the tiniest amount of $$! You can see more on this project HERE.
7)Stairwell Wainscoting
This is one of those projects that is just fun and makes a statement in our home as soon as you walk through the door! It takes an ordinary house stairwell to the next level. This is also where you get to see my young-and-cute-handy-dandy-handyman who makes a lot of my dreams come true. No his is not my hubby, he is more like our son from different parents. He is one very talented man. You can see more on this project HERE.
8) My Organized Storage Room
After fighting this room for 10 years, I finally did something about it. It's a wonderful space that I think every home should have. You can see more on this project HERE.
9) Master Bedroom Make-Over

For the sake of change. A place where I wake up every morning and want to be in...A real retreat. You can see more on this project HERE. Though, things have moved around in there some so you would need to also see this post HERE.
10) My 2012 Winter Mantel

With a mantel as huge as mine, it certainly is a challenge to decorate and fill. How do I top this? Well, you will have to stick around to see. However, this was fun to put together and a joy to see...especially at night. You can see more on this project HERE.

That is the best of 2012 for me. I hope that you have enjoyed and been inspired by my projects and plan to stick around in 2013...I have plenty more surprises up my sleeves!

These parties I love to link up to or check out my Blog Parties tab
Party Time @ It's So Very Cheri
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps On The Porch
Motivate Me Monday @ Keeping It Simple  
Make it Pretty Monday @ The Dedicated House
Masterpiece Monday @ Boogieboard Cottage 
Creative Blogger's Party @ Homemaker On A Dime
Making The World Cuter @ Making The World Cuter

Just Something I Whipped Up @ The Girl Creative 
Mop It Up Monday @ I Should Be Mopping The Floor
Market Yourself Monday @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff
Cowgirl Up Link Party @ The Farmhouse Porch 
Show Me What You Got @ Our Delightful Home
Knick of Time Tuesday @ Knick of Time
The Inspiration Board Link Party @ Homework
Turning the Daunting Into Doable Tuesday @ Project Queen
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Time to Shine Tuesday @ A Diamond in the Stuff 
Tuesday Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Be Inspired Party @ Elizabeth & Co.
Power Of Paint @ Domestically Speaking
Swing Into Spring Wednesday @ DIY by Design
Wildly Original Wednesday @ I Gotta Create!

Adorned From Above Party @ Adorned From Above
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Piece of Work Wednesday @  Primitive & Proper
What's It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephants

Centerpiece Wednesday @ The Style Sisters 
Creative Juice Thursday @ Momnivore's Dilemma 
Show & Share @ Southern Lovely
Show Me Extraordinary Thursday Party @ The 36th Avenue
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits @ Stone Gable
Creative Things Thursday @ The Vintage Farmhouse
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Creek Cottage

100 Ideas Under $100 @ Beyond The Picket Fence
Blog Stalking Thursday @ The Crafty Blog Stalker
EBTKS @ A Little Knick Knack

Fabulously Creative Linky Party @ Jennifer Rizzo 
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed

Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense

Frugal Friday @ Shabby Nest
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
American Pickers @ Savvy City Farmer
Inspiration Friday @ At The Picket Fence
Free For All Party @ Five Days, Five Ways
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
Any Link Goes Party @ Bacon Time With The Hungry Hungry Hypo 
Weekend WrapUp Party @ Tatertots and Jello 
Serenity Saturday @ Serenity You
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different, Act Normal 

Overflowing with Creativity @ It's Overflowing
Sunday Showcase Party @ By Stephanie Lynn 
Sundae Scoop Weekend Wrap Up Party @ I love Nap Time 
Sunday Blog Love @ Cherished Treasures
So Darn Crafty Party @ Sew Many Ways
Sunday's Best Wrap Up Party @ My 1929 Charmer
Think Pink Party @ Flamingo Toes


  1. Merry Christmas Terry!
    Your home is drop dead gorgeous and I look forward to seeing what you create in 2013!

    Merry Christmas,
    White Spray Paint

  2. I always enjoy your posts and this one is delightful as well! I can wait to see what you come up with next year!! I thought about you recently when I went in the Mackenzie Childs store in New York City! It was worth the trip!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. What a busy and productive year it has been for you. Such great projects! Thanks for sharing the recap - I had forgotten some of those. Merry Christmas!

  4. Terry, every project you showed is just beautiful! I LOVE that you each have a garage bay to do your own thing! The mudroom, the columns, the master--all gorgeous!

    Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!

  5. I don't even know where to begin. I just love your home and your bed...WOW!! Beautiful.

    I'm having a PINTEREST Social hop. I'd love for you to hop on over, grab a button and link up your Pinterest. If you don't have Pinterest it's ok, come link up your blog.


    I'm also looking for Pinterest Pinners to feature every week beginning in January. If you are on Pinterest and are interested in being featured come link up! Who knows you might meet some other great pinners and gain a few great ideas.


    Have a crazy beautiful week!

  6. Everything is so pretty, and you've done so many wonderful projects! The extra garage is such a great idea!

  7. Your home is beautiful all around! Two garages, WOW! That's something I wish I have!

  8. your home is lovely - you are one lucky gal!! Anxious to see what creative activities you share with us in 2013!! Happy New Year dear blogger friend!!

  9. Thanks for refreshing us as to why we love you so!
    Your home is gorgeous, keep creating!
    Wishing you a blessed new year.

  10. Your home is gorgeous - an inspiration in so many ways! Thank you for joining Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  11. Hi Terry! Love to see your top projects for 2012! You have a magnificent home, I remember really loving the post showing the bricks put around as edging - that was my favorite post! Wishing you a wonderful 2013!

  12. Hello Terry,
    Your storage area is so awesome and I just LOVE your bedroom.


  13. Terry, you have a lovely home....awesome projects in 2012! Happy New Year to you!

  14. Everything is so beautiful, Terry. Couldn't pick a fave if I tried. Love it all!

  15. Wow - you really did a lot! That extra garage must be wonderful for additional storage! I also am in love with the wainscoting on the stairway! I would love to do that on mine! I am excited to see what you have in store for 2013! Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
    Cheers! - Shelley

  16. You did so many gorgeous dream projects,love them all.

  17. Fun recap. I look forward to following along with your new projects for 2013. Happy New Year! ~ sarah

  18. Wow! You really had some beautiful projects this year. Wanna come fix up my place? ;)

    Thank you for partying with the Wildly Original Crowd this year!
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  19. Your home is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing. You will be one of the features at Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House. Pop on in and grab a feature button. Hope to see you at the bash! Happy New Year! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  20. Thanks for sharing all of your fabulous projects....total inspiration!!!!Jane Poo

  21. Your home is gorgeous! All your projects are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful photos! New Follower.


  22. Just came over from Yvonne's. Your home is beautiful. We just moved into this new home 10/1 and we did the same thing in our basement: bought 15 shelving units and filled them and need some more!!! Love your bedroom, I am still working on ours. Thanks for sharing all this. XO, Pinky

  23. Just beautiful Terry! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  24. Hi Terry,
    You have done such a beautiful job on your home. Sorry it took me so long to get to you but you are one of the featured bloggers at Adorned From Above this week. Here is the link to the post. Head over and you can grab your featured blogger button.


It makes me smile to hear from you!